Managing the XBee 3 BLU module involves various tasks, including changing settings, updating firmware, exchanging data, and managing the filesystem. This section provides an overview of the different methods and tools available for managing your XBee 3 BLU, ensuring you can effectively configure and interact with your device.

Communicate with the device

The XBee 3 BLU exposes some communication interfaces that allow you to communicate with your device to manage it. Each of those interfaces is suited to execute different operations and you will use them depending on your use cases:

  • Serial Interfaces (UART/SPI): Serial communication through UART or SPI provides a wired interface for interacting with the device. Operations over these interfaces are carried out using AT commands or API frames.

    Remember that AT commands offer a straightforward way to send instructions, while API frames provide a more structured approach to handling data and commands, making them ideal for automated and complex operations.
  • MicroPython: New-generation XBees offer an embedded interface that allows you to access and execute MicroPython code written inside the XBee 3 BLU module. This interface is ideal for developing and running code directly on the device, gving it intelligence to automate tasks and interact with sensors and other hardware.

  • BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy): The BLE interface provides a wireless way to interact with the XBee 3 BLU. It allows you to perform various operations, such as exchanging data with the device from your smartphone or tablet, or adjusting settings, using Bluetooth communication. BLE is convenient for tasks that require mobility or quick access without physical connections.

In this section you will use some tools in order to communicate, configure and manage your device. Those applications are:

XBee Studio

XBee Studio is a free multi-platform application that enables developers to manage Digi XBee devices through a simple-to-use graphical interface. It abstracts the complexities of communication protocols, allowing users to configure devices, update firmware, and manage files effortlessly.

The API frames logger in XBee Studio is a powerful tool that can be used to view the traffic of each operation in real-time. This is particularly useful for debugging and understanding the specific commands being sent and received during various management tasks.
For more detailed guidance on XBee Studio, refer to the XBee Studio documentation.

XBee Mobile App

XBee Mobile App provides a convenient way to perform some management operations wirelessly through Bluetooth. It is especially useful for quick configuration, monitoring, and testing on the go, without the need for a wired connection.

For more detailed guidance on XBee Mobile App, refer to the XBee Mobile App documentation.