Display the hardware version number and revision number of the device. The upper byte is the Hardware version and the lower byte is the hardware revision.
The hardware version distinguishes one radio type from another.
The hardware revision for a particular module can change for a variety of reasons and should not be used as the sole determination that a module’s functionality has changed from previous revisions. The revision may change for various reasons including a new software version, a minor hardware modification, or even due to a label update. Furthermore, the firmware on a module may be upgraded or downgraded by a user thus making it different from the firmware version it was manufactured with. Thus the revision number is not a reliable indicator of the firmware version on the module. If an explanation for the revision number is not found in the release notes and it is a concern, contact Digi Support. In most cases the revision number does not relay any useful information to the consumer and it can be ignored.
Parameter range
0 - 0xFFFF [read-only]
Pre-defined upper byte values for XBee 3 BLUs:
0x5C - XBee BLU Micro (MMT) and Surface Mount (SMT)
0x5D - XBee BLU Through Hole (TH)
Set in the factory