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Gateways Knowledge Base Articles

Digi IX15 - Simple Certificate Enrollment
Configure a Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol clientYou can configure IX15 device to function as a SCEP client that will connect to a SCEP server that is used to sign Certificate Sig...
Oct 10, 2024
XBee BLU Extended Advertisement
XBee BLU Extended AdvertisingThe XBee BLU is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) XBee module. It is designed to allow a device, such as an Arduino or other processor, to communicate via a Bluetooth-enable...
Aug 30, 2024
XBee BLU Example of Discovery of BLE Devices
XBee BLU OverviewThe XBee BLU is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) XBee module. It is designed to allow a device, such as an Arduino or other processor, to communicate via a Bluetooth-enabled device, su...
Aug 30, 2024
HOW TO: Query the Connection History of a Connected device from Digi Remote Manager
Introduction:One very useful aspect of Device Management on the Digi Device Remote Manager is the ability to view the Connection History of a device.  This of course refers to the connection h...
Aug 12, 2024
How To: Customize a DAL Backup Configuration File
 Background The configuration backup file can be obtained from a DAL device using either the CLI, local web UI, or Digi Remote Manager. The backup file you get is a gzipped tarball with a .bi...
Jun 28, 2024
Using RF Module with Switching Power Supply
The now End-Of-Lifed Digi XStream, XCite, and the current 9XTend modules require a regulated 5V DC supply. The Digi XBee modules require a 3V regulated power supply.Switching supplies may be used, ...
Jun 14, 2024
How to find firmware for your product
The firmware for your Digi product can be found on the Digi website. The steps required to find and download your firmware are defined below.Navigate to the support site on and sele...
Dec 12, 2023
HOW TO: Configure an XBee Gateway, ConnectPort X2e ZB Cellular, or ConnectPort X2e SE for a Device C
In order to access the built-in WebUI of your XBee Gateway or ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy, you first need to know the Local IP address of the Gateway.  Often you can check ...
Oct 31, 2023
Using Digi Cellular Gateways as Backhaul for Digi Wireless Networks
 This application note discusses the benefits of combining Digi cellular gateways/routers with Digi wireless networking products to create integrated, low cost end-to-end wireless data connect...
Oct 31, 2023
Can I use an XBee 3 Zigbee module with an XBee X2, X2E, Industrial Gateway or other Gateway product?
An XBee 3 Zigbee module can be used with the XBee S2C Gateway and  X2 products containing an XBee S2C or XBee product operating on the Zigbee 2.4 GHz protocol. For example, the ...
Sep 05, 2023
Understanding the Channel command and how it works
In the IEEE 802.15.4 2.4GHz standard, there are a total of 16 available channels to operate on. Unlike WiFi, the first channel in the 802.15.4 IEEE standard starts with channel 11 (0x0B) and ends w...
Jul 13, 2023
How to Change the firmware on a Digi XBee Gateway (Connect Port X2) using Digi Remote Manager
This article explains the process of updating the firmware on a Digi XBee Gateway (Connect Port X2) via the Digi Remote Manager service.  This article assumes that you already have a Digi Remo...
Jun 23, 2023
How to update the firmware on a Digi XBee Industrial Gateway using Digi Remote Manager
Often, a Digi XBee Industrial Gateway (XIG) is located in a remote location where the Administrator of the network is unable to directly talk to the device or manage it.  In order to correct t...
Jun 05, 2023
How to upgrade firmware on an IX15 using Digi Remote Manager
From time to time, it does become necessary to perform a firmware upgrade on a remote device such as an IX15 for a wide range of reasons.   Generally, this would require a truck roll cost...
May 23, 2023
How to update firmware on an XBee Cellular module via Digi Remote Manager
These directions assume that you have the XBee module already added to your Digi Remote Manager account and that the module is configuured to be connected to Digi Remote manager via its AT commands...
Mar 28, 2023
Are RF module variants of two different countries compatible with each other ?
It is not possible for two Digi RF module variants (like XBee Pro SX 900) of different countries to communicate with each other. There is also no option available to make them compatible by softwar...
Sep 21, 2022
3G sunset Digi firmware required updates
OverviewFor reference, this article relates to the main article titled 3G Network Sunset in 2022 impact on 4G devices.  This article provides the device types and part numbers of Digi dev...
Mar 30, 2022
XBee 16-bit vs 64-bit addressing
Digi XBee 2.4GHz devices work on the 802.15.4 MAC layer, which utilizes 16-bit and 64-bit addresses. This article will explain the differences between the two address types and how they are impleme...
Mar 17, 2022
Script to Correct 3G Sunset Issues with Telit Modems
For reference, this article relates to the main article titled 3G Network Sunset in 2022 impact on 4G devices.  This article provides an additional script that needs to be run on Digi IX14 and...
Mar 11, 2022
How to update the XBee module settings on an IX15 XBee Gateway
In order to update the XBee Settings on an IX15, you will need to use the XCTUNG software which can be downloaded from   The IX15 uses Profiles to...
Feb 09, 2022
Discover XBee network on an IX15
From time to time, you may want to know what XBee modules are on your XBee network.  This can be done via the IX15. You can make this simple by running the following commands or functions on ...
Nov 12, 2021
HXDW USB power consumption requires dedicated USB port
The HXDW USB picocell gateway is a USB 2.0 device that connects to a USB 2.0 or higher port on a host system. The HXDW is compliant to USB 2.0 specification and consumes the maximum power available...
Jul 08, 2021
Provisioning Application - LoRaWAN Devices/Gateways
IntroductionProvisioning Application is used to provision devices/gateways between accounts. Devices/Gateways should be the first factory provisioned and they will be added to the database. Only de...
Jul 01, 2021
3G Network Sunset in 2022 impact on 4G devices
Carriers have announced that they will be shutting down their 3G network in 2022.  The sunset of the 3G networks may impact some 4G LTE devices.  This situation could cause certain 4G LTE...
Mar 15, 2021
Accessing Digi's FTP Site
IntroductionDigi FTP site allows customers to download files such as firmware, documentation, tools etc. This is particulary useful for downloading older firmware versions which are not linked dire...
Sep 07, 2020
Password for for Digi XBee Gateway Products
California has passed a law banning default passwords like such as “admin,” or “123456”Every new gadget will have to come with “reasonable” security feature...
Aug 31, 2020
Can I know when a device leaves or joins a network
When devices enter the Zigbee network… There are options that can be used for detecting new devices or nodes within a Digi Zigbee network.  Using the JN (Join Notificati...
Aug 27, 2020
Digi International Security Notice - TRECK TCP/IP Stack "RIPPLE20" VU#257161 ICS-VU-035787
Digi International Security Notice TRECK TCP/IP Stack "RIPPLE20" VU#257161 ICS-VU-035787June 16th, 2020  The following CVE’s have been assigned to these vulnerabilities:CVE...
Jun 16, 2020
Industrial Gateway Data Usage is much higher than expected
Typical data use-cases that involve a sensor with an XBee Industrial Gateway may be about 1-3 MB/month of data. If the actual usage ends up being closer to 10-15 MB a month this can ...
Mar 30, 2020
Digi XBee Industrial Gateway SSH Error During ESP Build
 Digi ESP for Python - XBee Industrial Gateway * If you are using the XBee Industrial Gateway follow the instructions below. It is mandatory to start Digi ESP for Python as Administ...
Feb 23, 2020
ZigBee OTA Firmware Update information
OverviewStarting with the ZigBee protocol for S2C firmware includes support to update module firmware over-the-air. This feature allows a single device to update firmware on all other devices ...
Feb 03, 2020
Digi 3rd Party Chinese Radios
Question: Has Digi in the past, or currently, used any components purchased from the following companies? •    Huawei •    ZTE Corp •   &n...
Oct 21, 2019
Unique Default Passwords for Digi Products (SB-327)
BackgroundAs of January 1, 2020, the California Consumer Privacy Act SB-327 requires all cellular and internet connected devices manufactured after that date to have unique default passwo...
Oct 16, 2019
Verizon Upgrade for Telit Modems
Verizon notified cellular product manufacturers of a software defect present in Intel chipsets utilized by several cellular modem vendors. Digi uses some of these third party cellular modems in som...
Oct 09, 2019
Unique Default Password Product Information
Below is the list of Digi products that require a unique password to log in to the device as well as to register the device on Digi Remote Manager. List of products where a unique password is requ...
Jul 22, 2019
SACK Vulnerability Patch Status
SACK Vulnerability Patch Status for affected Digi products  Product Family/ProductVersion fix is included inEstimated Release DateCellularDigi IX1419.8Aug, 2019Digi EX1519.8Aug, 2019Digi LR54...
Jul 16, 2019
Digi Mesh Synchronous sleeping network
The following provides a basic sleeping network using the Digi Mesh protocol.For this example I am going to use a synchronous sleeping network with a always-on Sleep Support module using the XBee P...
Sep 28, 2017
HOW TO: Obtain XBee Tracing From a ConnectPort X2 SE Smart Energy Gateway
HOW TO: Obtain XBee Tracing From a ConnectPort X2 SE Smart Energy GatewayUse a terminal emulator, such as, Microsoft Telnet or PuTTY to telnet to the gateway.  From the command line ...
Jul 06, 2017
What is the maximum working distance between an ERT enabled Meter and Digi ERT Ethernet Gateways and
What is the maximum working distance between an ERT enabled Meter and Digi ERT Ethernet Gateways and ERT Smart Energy Bridges?The maximum ERT signal range is 200 feet away if it is line of ...
Jul 06, 2017
Cannot Access the Web Interface on a ConnectPort X2 SE (Smart Energy) Gateway
Cannot Access the Web Interface on a ConnectPort X2 SE (Smart Energy) GatewayDue to memory constraints, the web interface was removed from these units after revision A firmware.  Direct access...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Access the Web Interface on the Digi ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy gateways
HOW TO: Access the Web Interface on the Digi ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy gatewaysBy pressing the small reset button on the top of the unit, the web interface will be made temporarily available for...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Install Supported Smart Energy Device Drivers: Digi ERT Bridge, Smart Plugs, Thermostats and
HOW TO: Install Supported Smart Energy Device Drivers/Plugins on ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy GatewaysDevice drivers, such as, Smart Plugs, Thermostats, and Load Controllers along with the  in...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Update Firmware on a ConnectPort X2 SE - Smart Energy Gateway
HOW TO: Update Firmware on a ConnectPort X2 SE - Smart Energy GatewayThe instructions for updating firmware on these units can be found here:
Jul 06, 2017
What is the Maximum Number of Child Devices Supported With the ConnectPort X2(e) SE Smart Energy Coo
What is the Maximum Number of Child Devices Supported With the ConnectPort X2(e) SE Smart Energy Coordinators?  The maximum number of Smart Energy devices supported with ConnectPort X2(e) Sma...
Jul 06, 2017
Gateway Unavailable Error Seen When Adding Digi Gateway to Account
 The following error is seen when attempting to add the gateway MAC address to an account:Gateway UnavailableThis gateway is already in use by another user. Please ensure that...
Jul 06, 2017
The Digi Smart Plug device is not seen or discovered on the Coordinator
The Digi Smart Plug device is not seen or discovered on the Coordinator When a coordinator is unable to the Digi Smart Plug, we recommend pressing the small button located on the side of the Sma...
Jul 06, 2017
Unable to See Meter Readings From a 40G ERT Meter
Unable to See Meter Readings From a 40G ERT MeterAlthough the 40G meters are ERT meters, the Digi ERT gateways will not be able to read them consistently.  The 40G ERT meters do not bubble up ...
Jul 06, 2017
What Smart Energy devices are compatible with Digi Smart Energy Gateways?
What Smart Energy devices are compatible with Digi Smart Energy Gateways? Please contact your Business Development Representative for determining which third party Smart Energy hardware has been...
Jul 06, 2017
What Should be Entered For a (Smart/ERT) Meter Multiplier/Divisor?
What Should be Entered For a (Smart/ERT) Meter Multiplier/Divisor? There is no set value for this field as this will vary depending on the meter model and type. With that being said, it is rec...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi API Frame Maker
The Digi API Frame Maker can be used to generate API packets for use on Digi's wireless networks.Java is required.Download the Digi API Frame Maker here. You will also find the functionality ...
Jul 06, 2017
Active Gateway Earth Stations for Orbcomm LEO satellites
At present ORBCOMM has three GESs:- Western Hemishpere, ID: 1 Eastern Hemishpere, ID: 120 Japan, ID: 3 Note: The GESs in Japan transmit both the 120 and the 130 IDs. There may be an effort t...
Jul 06, 2017
How to find out the date code and manufacturing location information of Digi Products.
Depending on the location the units are built effects the orientation, linked below is the date code from USA or Thailand. The date code is 4 digits, 2 digit year and 2 digit week (YYWW) so in thes...
Jul 06, 2017
Is my third party RF radio compatible with Digi XBee modules?
Is my third party RF radio compatible with Digi XBee modules?So long as the third party device is Zigbee capable, it should work with Digi XBee modules.It is important to have matching Zigbee sta...
Jul 06, 2017
The following error is seen within Digi ESP/DIA: ImportError: no module named datetime
Please confirm the file exists in the /WEB/python directory of the Digi Gateway.  The file may be downloaded from the Digi Tech. Support web site under the  Development Softwar...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Force a Digi Smart Energy Routing Gateway to Leave the Network
HOW TO: Force a Digi Smart Energy Routing Gateway to Leave the Network There are cases where the Digi Smart Energy routing gateway needs to be re-provisioned to a Smart Energy coordinator, such ...
Jul 06, 2017
How to access FCC test reports
All of the FCC test reports for Digi’s RF line of products can be found on the FCC webpage as long as the FCC ID is known. The following steps will guide you through the process of searching the FC...
Jul 06, 2017
No Longer Able to Login to
No Longer Able to Login to The URL has changed to
Jul 06, 2017
802.11g WiFi (2.4GHz) vs. XPress Ethernet Bridge (900MHz)
Speed vs. Range 802.11g''''s primary function is to transfer data at high speeds (54 Mbps over-the-air and 35 Mbps streaming) at a short range (<300 ft indoors). For long di...
Jul 06, 2017
RealPort Troubleshooting for Microsoft Windows
The Digi RealPort driver, sometimes called COM port re-director, installs one or more serial ports of various Digi network-attached devices as COM port numbers in Microsoft Windows Operating System...
Jul 06, 2017
XBee & RF Module Feature Comparison Matrix
What: XBee & RF Module Feature Comparison MatrixWhy: One stop shopping to quickly make a module selection and to understand feature differences.Where: On all RF Module product pages an...
Jul 06, 2017
Modbus Protocol
Modbus is a serial protocol commonly used in industrial automation applications. Digi XTend radio modems support Modbus-ASCII and Modbus-RTU with no special configuration. In fact, the radio mod...
Jul 06, 2017
XBee Cyclic Sleep Example: Indirect Messaging
Sleep modes can be used to effectively reduce power consumption and extend battery life. Indirect messaging is one way in which the XBee family of radios can conserve power through periodic slee...
Jul 06, 2017
Antennas - An Introductory Guide
This white paper is intended as a guide to understanding how antennas transmit and receive electromagnetic waves. An explanation of what electromagnetic waves are, and how they travel will be discu...
Jul 06, 2017
ZigBee Encryption
ZigBee supports the 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption to encrypt data on a ZigBee network. Following are answers to frequently asked questions regarding encryption on ZigBee net...
Jul 06, 2017
Erratic mouse cursor behavior after installing a Digi device with a serial port
This issue, symptomatic of the mouse cursor "jumping around the screen", is likely due to Windows detecting the serial device attached to the Digi device as a serial mouse or a HID (Human...
Jul 06, 2017
The AT Command Set
The AT command set, also known as the Hayes command set, was originally developed for use with the Hayes modems in the 1980s. Many modern dialup modems are still based around this standard. The ter...
Jul 06, 2017
Does Digi provide sample code for accessing the radio's UART?
Digi does not provide sample code. All Digi radios are designed to operate transparently with existing products. The application or device simply needs to be able to read and write to the UART or C...
Jul 06, 2017
RoHS Certificate of Compliance
RF Products as of 1 June, 2013 The wireless devices identified in this certificate are in compliance with the European Union Directive 2011/65/EU on the restricted use of certain hazardous substa...
Jul 06, 2017
Adaptors for Host Serial Connections
Serial RS232/485 communication through a DB9 connector is the most common interface for Digi radios. Many PCs have a limited number of serial ports from which to connect peripherals, and often t...
Jul 06, 2017
No module named 'OS' error in Digi ESP for python
When Python Standard Library is not loaded on digi devices running NDS firmware, you will get the error  no module named OS, Follow the below steps to overcome this er...
Jul 06, 2017
Maximizing range
This document introduces the basics of a wireless communications system and explains how to maximize range when commissioning a system. It explains how to install radios, antennas and cables in a w...
Jul 06, 2017
XBee firmware revision history and identification
XBee ZigBee (Series 2) Firmware IdentificationXBee ZigBee firmware version numbers will have 4 significant digits. All numbers are hexadecimal and can have a range from 0-F. A version can be report...
Jul 06, 2017
Using the explicite transmit frame to support ZDOs (ZigBee Device Objects) in the XBee API.
The ZigBee Device Profile is a management and discovery service layer supported on all ZigBee devices. Like all other profiles, the ZigBee Device Profile defines a set of clusters that can be used ...
Jul 06, 2017
Debugging joining in a XBee ZigBee ZB network using the AI command.
In a ZigBee network, routers and end devices must discover and join a network before they can communicate with other ZigBee devices. The XBee ZB firmware includes a number of AT commands that can b...
Jul 06, 2017
Functions of the Digi ethernet radio
Digi offers two types of Ethernet radios for different applications. The two types of Ethernet radios are the PKG-E and the XPress Ethernet Bridge. The Digi Ethernet modem PKG-E (PKGE) can be use...
Jul 06, 2017
Connecting multiple PKG-E ethernet gateways to one comm port
For the ethernet connected Digi radio PKG-E (PKGE), Digi provides virtual comm port software that will forward data sent from an application on a PC to a "serial port" that is actually a ...
Jul 06, 2017
Point to Multipoint--broadcasting or polling
There are several ways to configure a point-to-multipoint polling system. The XStream, XCite, XTend, 802.15.4 and DigiMesh modules come default in a peer-to-peer broadcast mode where if any radio...
Jul 06, 2017
Application Note - XBee Antennas
This document presents practical information regarding the performance of the XBee and XBee-PRO RF Modules. The focus will be on the attributes of the different antenna options that are available...
Jul 06, 2017
Indoor wireless signal loss
This document contains background information about link margin and link budget calculations. It also includes a table showing how much signal attenuation will occur when transmitting at 900 MHz an...
Jul 06, 2017
Weather proof antennas
The half-wave antennas that ship with Digi PKG products are not weatherproof and should not be installed outdoors. Digi offers an antenna that is less susceptible to weather because it does not hav...
Jul 06, 2017
How to Calculate Transmission Range of Radios - Free Space Loss Calculator
While practical range testing is a preferred method to determine range, theoretical mathematical formulas can be used to predict the transmission range of Digi radios through freespace. This is the...
Jul 06, 2017
Class 1 Division 2 Environments and Digi's RF
Why purchase a product with the certification? Having a product with any of the hazardous certifications allows you the ability to offer or place a wide range of products (PLC''''s...
Jul 06, 2017
Vendor IDentification (VID)
While the proprietary frequency hopping modulation and the number of networks and addresses can make it very difficult for an outsider to eavesdrop on communication, it would be possible for anothe...
Jul 06, 2017
The power of receiver sensitivity
What is receiver sensitivity and why is it important?The attached whitepaper explores the Friis transmission equation and what it takes to double the range of a wireless communication system.In sum...
Jul 06, 2017
Recommended Sleep Current Measurements
Recommended Sleep Current MeasurementsProper measurement of sleep current is often a needed step to accurately estimate battery life requirements.  Special steps need to happen in order to ensure p...
Jul 06, 2017
Line of Sight (LOS) and High-Gain Antennas
Will a high gain antenna help transmit through obstacles if the radio path is non-line-of-sight (non-LOS)? When speaking about radios and line-of-sight, it must be understood that visual LOS a...
Jul 06, 2017
Is RSSI the best indication of link quality?
One thing to keep in mind is that the RSSI is only an indication of the RF energy detected at the antenna port. The power level reported could be artificially high because it may include energy fro...
Jul 06, 2017
Device Discovery Troubleshooting Tips
INTRODUCTIONThis document contains a list of tips that will help people through the trouble of detecting most Digi Ethernet or Wi-Fi devices. Some examples are the Digi Connect ME, EM, SP, WiME, Wi...
Jul 06, 2017
dBi vs. dBd summary
dBi and dBd are used to measure the focusing power (gain) of antennas. Digi specifies all antennas in dBi only.dBi is a measurement that compares the gain of an antenna with respect to an isotropic...
Jul 06, 2017
Antenna Gain: dBi vs. dBd Decibel Detail
Antenna gain is measured in either dBi or dBd. It is important to note that antenna gain is different than amplifier gain. Antennas do not have a power source that allows the antenna to create a...
Jul 06, 2017
Should I use a 1/4 wave or 1/2 wave antenna?
What is the difference between a ½-wave and a ¼-wave antenna?  Antenna Type                         ½-wav...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi makes many serial devices, some of which are DTE (PortServer TS, EtherLite, Connect/ConnectPort, Digi One, USB-to-serial), and others which are DCE (TransPort, PKG RF modems, XBIB interface bo...
Jul 06, 2017
What does "Galvanically isolated from Earth ground" mean?
"Galvanically isolated" is a term used to describe the relation between two different points in a circuit. It means that the ASYNC Signal Ground (SG) is isolated from earth ground, ...
Jul 06, 2017
Auto update Operational Pan ID on Routers & End-devices of a Zigbee network
In order to be a part of a ZigBee network, all nodes should have a common PAN ID, as well as 16-bit Operating PAN ID. The PAN ID is required to be manually provided to each ZigBee node, while Opera...
Jul 06, 2017
Zigbee Layer Acks: How can I be sure that my zigbee end device got data from my Python application?
This article explains how to configure a Python application''s socket connection so that it waits to hear back from the zigbee end device before proceeding. This is opposed to normal behavi...
Jul 06, 2017
Error "insmod: dgrp: no module by that name found" when attempting to use dgrp_gui or dgrp_cfg_node
Symptom:The following error is seen: "insmod: dgrp: no module by that name found" when attempting to use dgrp_gui or dgrp_cfg_node to configure.Cause:Our driver normally places a symlink ...
Jul 06, 2017
Can I install the Realport drivers from the command line?
INTRODUCTION Yes. From the command line, you can browse to the folder containing the RealPort Driver files and type: setup /?This will display the command line options for the RealPort driver.
Jul 06, 2017
How to complete a loop back or range test with the Digi XTend Radio
XTend-PKG-R™        RS-232/422/485 RF ModemConnect Hardware To install the modem and test its range, you need: * 2 XTend RF Modems. The two XTend RF Modems are referred ...
Jul 06, 2017
Why do some of my XBee Network devices have an unspecified Product Type, while others show valid inf
The "Product Type" column shown below is part of the Network View of the XBee Devices table from a ConnectPort X8 gateway.  The table is located at Configuration > XBee Netwo...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Install RealPort in Red Hat EL or CentOS
 Download the latest driver from the Digi Technical Support site: the install...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Install RealPort in Ubuntu
 Installation Steps: Obtain the latest driver from the Digi Technical Support site:
Jul 06, 2017
Can I add more than one Digi Smart Energy gateway on my HAN?
This will not work well.  Having more than one IP gateway on the HAN will cause confusion and what appears to be data loss as there is no single route to push up the data to the Digi Device Cloud.A...
Jul 06, 2017
ConnectPort X2e SE (Smart Energy) Troubleshooting
ConnectPort X2e SE (Smart Energy) TroubleshootingDigi Device CloudBy default, gateways point to the production server (some older gateways may point to
Jul 06, 2017
Serial port example for X4, X2, XBee gateways
The current examples that are provided for the Digi XBee Gateway products such as the Connect Port X2, X2e, and X4 all can be found customers who have access t...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Configure RealPort with ConnectPort X2/X2D Gateways
HOW TO:  Configure RealPort with ConnectPort X2/X2D GatewaysGatewayConfigurationGo to the web interface of the device and enable the Gateway Access under ConfigurationàXBee NetworkàGateway Access a...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi SureLink™ Configuration
SureLinkDigi SureLink™ is an optional feature that monitors the integrity of an established network connection. Several settings and tests can be configured to perform a selected test to...
Jul 06, 2017
Cannot Access the Command Line on a Digi ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy Gateway
Cannot Access the Command Line on a Digi ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy GatewayThese Smart Energy gateways do not have local command line access.  Minimal configuration, such as assigning a stat...
Jul 06, 2017
ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy (Router) Installation
For Digi ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy gateway deployments, you will want to ensure that there is a networking infrastructure in place that will allow internet access between the Digi gateway and th...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Configure the Smart Energy reporting intervals for Digi ERT Ethernet Smart Energy Gateways
HOW TO: Configure the Smart Energy reporting intervals for Digi ERT Ethernet Smart Energy Gateways  These values can be changed using the demonstration application by navigating to: &nbs...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Configure Smart Energy Reporting Intervals for Digi ConnectPort X2 Smart Energy Gateways
HOW TO: Configure  Smart Energy Reporting Intervals for Digi ConnectPort X2 Smart Energy GatewaysThese values can be changed using the demonstration application by navigating to:  di...
Jul 06, 2017
How to Check Firmware and Smart Energy Framework Versions on the ConnecPort © X2 SE and ERT Gateway/
 To check the EOS (NDS) firmware version from the command line of the unit, telnet or SSH to the unit and issue the following command:display versionThe "Running EOS" value will indi...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Change a ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy Coordinator Gateway to a Router Gateway and Vice Versa
HOW TO: Change a ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy Coordinator Gateway to a Router Gateway and Vice VersaWith the ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy gateways, the role of these gateways can be changed by...
Jul 06, 2017
Xig Python application
From the Lamp based Xig application: XBee Internet Gateway ("XIG") is an application written for Digi'sCon...
Jul 06, 2017
Xbee Gateway Logs
These logs are located here in the devices file system:/userfs/WEB/loggingYou can view them from either it's web interface or the Digi Device Cloud.
Jul 06, 2017
RF Connector Identification Chart
Common connector types used in RF communication.Digi RF modems commonly use RP-SMA and RP-TNC connector types.  Typical RF modules use RP-SMA, U.FL, MMCX.Outdoor connectors commonly used on antenna...
Jul 06, 2017
General Certification Comments on Digi products
Check the main reference manual for the given Digi product.  Generally they have a section marked 'Certification'.  If the certification in question is not seen there it is most l...
Jul 06, 2017
NDS devices 8 client/master limit in IA (modbus) table
in the web interface of an NDS gateway (X2 or X4) you can define modbus clients and masters.  There is a 8 device limit between both the masters and clients.  You can define them here: ...
Jul 06, 2017
What does OFC and IFC mean and how do I resolve it?
OFC represents ouptut flow control. IFC represents input flow control. When either of these are shown high or solid it indicates that a buffer overflow has occured on either the attached device (OF...
Jul 06, 2017
Frequency Usage Table by Products
Each Digi radio modem uses as little of the available RF spectrum as possible so as to minimize susceptibility to interference from other RF systems as well as to minimize the impact of Digi transm...
Jul 06, 2017
XLR 64 bit Addressing - Ethernet RF Bridging
The purpose of Ethernet RF bridging is to act as an Ethernet cable replacement. The MAC/PHY layerof the Ethernet standard handles all Ethernet traffic. As a result, the XLR PRO does not have to hav...
Jul 06, 2017
Dimensions (with datasheet) for DC locking barrel power connector found on a number of Digi Portserv
Dimensions: Concentric Barrel Plug - 2.1mm x 5.5mm x 9.5mmBarrel - 9.5mm longInner dimension - 2.1mmOuter dimension - 5.5mm+12V (Center)RTN/GND (Outside)Download the connector datasheet here
Jul 06, 2017
RCI Examples
EXAMPLESReboot<rci_request version="1.1"><reboot></reboot></rci_request>Query all settings:<rci_request version="1.1"><query_setting/></rc...
Jul 06, 2017
Error is seen adding a device to Digi Remote Manager: "Failed to add one or more de
Problem:  If you're trying to add a device to a Remote Manager server and it comes back with the message “Failed to add one or more devices:” (see below), it may mean that your...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi International Security Notice SSLv3 Vulnerability "POODLE"
Digi International Security NoticeCVE-2014-3566October 28th, 2014OverviewA security vulnerability  nicknamed "POODLE" CVE-2014-3566, was announced on October 14th, 2014. We have had ...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Configure the DD parameter (Device Type Identifier) of a Digi XBee or XBee-PRO
The XBee / XBee-PRO DD parameter is the Device Type Identifier field, which is a proprietary AT parameter used on Digi XBee modules.DD is a 4-byte hex string, consisting of an upper and lower word,...
Jul 06, 2017
Can Digi's XBee ZB modules communicate with other manufacturer's zigbee modules?
Yes. The XBee 3 Zigbee RF Modules provide wireless connectivity to end-point devices in Zigbee mesh networks. Using the Zigbee 3.0 feature set, these devices are inter-operable with other Zigbee de...
Jul 06, 2017
XBee-PRO 900HP Available Frequencies
USA/Canada Part numbers ending in 001/002 AF = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Channels: 0 - 63 Frequency: 902.4 - 927.6 MHz Bit (Channel)   0 – 902.400    Bit (Channel) 32 &ndash...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi ESP connectivity tips
The Digi ESP is an integrated visual Python code development tool.  It is designed to assist in the development of Python code for Digi products.  Here are some basic things to verify con...
Jul 06, 2017
Recommended Time Server (NTP) configuration for ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy and XBee Gateways
IntroductionDigi uses two different Time Server (NTP) factory default configurations on ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy and XBee Gateway ZB products:A configuration for cellular-connected gateways...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Turn Safeplug outlets on or off from the Device Cloud
HOW TO: Turn Safeplug outlets on or off from the Device CloudFrom your Device Cloud account select the Device Manager menu item, followed by XBee Networks tab.  Click the + sign in front of your Sa...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Discover what version of Plugin Manager is installed on a Digi Smart Energy Gateway
Introduction:Plugin Manager is the "Driver of drivers" where the Digi Smart Energy (SE) Framework is concerned. The reason for this is that the Plugin Manager "driver" is requir...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi International Security Notice Vulnerability "GHOST"
 Digi International Security NoticeOriginally issued March 6th, 2015, updated December 18, 2015  CVE-2015-0235OverviewA critical security vulnerability, reported as CVE-2015-0235, nickna...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Find Country of Origin (CoO) for Digi-manufactured products
It is Digi's goal to facilitate and expedite worldwide trade in the most effective and efficient manner, by proactively observing all international rules and regulations regarding export. To a...
Jul 06, 2017
Error codes seen with data push from device to Device Cloud? idigid protocol error code list
Introduction:Digi RF Gateways and devices which use the edp protocol to "push" data to Remote Manager can sometimes encounter errors pushing that data, if Remote Manager isn't availab...
Jul 06, 2017
Analog and Digital Sampling Using XBee Radios
XBee radios have multiple I/O lines that can be used to gather Digital or Analog data, then transmit that data to another XBee for interpretation. Because sample data is always provided in an API f...
Jul 06, 2017
Factors That Affect Range
Communication distance is determined by four factors:Output power, recieve sensitivity, Antenna systems and the environment.Visit this application note for Maximizing Range.(Also please see Di...
Jul 06, 2017
Wave propagation of 900 MHz vs. 2.4 GHz
Comparing Wave Propagation of 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz FrequenciesTo demonstrate the basic difference in wave propagation of 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz waves, a quick look at path loss is provided. As waves pr...
Jul 06, 2017
Sample ZigBee or Digi Mesh network using XBee radios
In this example, a total of three XBee radios will be networked. There are some network limitations involved, but the network can support up to thousands of nodes. Adding additional nodes can be do...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi PKG Troubleshooting Questions
When working with Digi PKG (Boxed) Modems, there are some common troubleshooting steps that you can perform to help diagnose the source of the problem you are having. These are the same questions t...
Jul 06, 2017
How Increased System Gain Relates to Range
When calculating Fade Margin or performing a Link Budget Analysis, the total system gains and losses can indicate how dB relates to achievable distance. Receiver sensitivity, power output, antenna ...
Jul 06, 2017
Error detection and correction
Digi radio modems perform a 16-bit CRC (cyclic redundancy check) to check for errors in every transmitted data packet. If an error is found the packet is discarded and not sent out the serial port....
Jul 06, 2017
What is the Maximum RF Range for the ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy Gateways?
What is the Maximum RF Range for the ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy Gateways?The ConnectPort X2e Smart Energy gateway RF distance information can be found in the following specifications page under t...
Jul 06, 2017
Escaped Characters and API Mode 2
Note:  API Mode 2 is often misunderstood regarding its necessity and is used very rarely.  API mode 1 is fully capable of transmitting all characters including those that can be escaped. ...
Jul 06, 2017
What are the default network settings of RF Gateway products like the ConnectPort X2, X4, and XBee G
For the ConnectPort X2, XBee Gateway (formerly X2e ZB), and ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy (SE), the default network settings of the Ethernet and Wi-Fi models are set to DHCP Client, with no defa...
Jul 06, 2017
Calculating the Checksum of an API Packet
The API operation of the radios (XTend and XBee) requires that communication through the UART or serial port of the radio be done through a structured interface where data is communicated in format...
Jul 06, 2017
Legacy recovery procedure for ZigBee XBees
This article is an all-inclusive guide for recovering a Digi ZigBee XBee that is in an unresponsive state.The steps in this article are specifically for ZigBee XBee radios. If you need to perf...
Jul 06, 2017
Radio Emission Designation And Modulation Type For Digi RF Radios
9XStream/9XCiteModulation Type: FSKEmission Designation: 260KF1D24XStreamModulation Type: FSKEmission Designation: 400K0F1D9XTendModulation Type: FSK (@9600 baud), GFSK (@115200 baud)Emission ...
Jul 06, 2017
Why does my Xtend keep loosing its settings?
Issue: Every time I power cycle my 9xtend, I loose the settings I just wrote to the module.Cause: The radio has not been placed in "User Defined" mode.The radio has six dip switches by th...
Jul 06, 2017
XBee PRO 900 HP Product Manual
XBee PRO 900 HP product manual
Jul 06, 2017
Digi's XLR PRO and PLC's
When working with an XLR PRO and an Allen Bradley 9210 PLC, you need to configure the PLC's remote.opt file so that the DTR line is always high. That can be done by using the Command /DTR+.  Wh...
Jul 06, 2017
Zigbee Home Automation
When developing a Zigbee Home Automation application or Wanting to talk with a Zigbee Home Automation Device, the XBee module you should select is the XBee ZB SMT module or XBee ZB (Zigbee) Surface...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Send an AT command to an XBee from a CP-X2 or CP-X4 commandline via Telnet/SSH or Device Cl
Introduction: This article discusses how to send an AT command from the CommandLine Interface (CLI) of a ConnectPort X2 or X4 Gateway, from either Telnet/SSH or via Remote Manager (assuming the Ga...
Jul 06, 2017
What is API (Application Programming Interface) Mode and how does it work?
API (Application Programming Interface) mode is a frame-based method for sending and receiving data to and from a radio's serial UART. The API is an alternative to the default transparent mode....
Jul 06, 2017
I suspect a problem with the radio equipment, can I return it for repair?Digi has an extremely low product failure rate. If the Digi radio modem appears to have a problem, try restoring module...
Jul 06, 2017
The Major Differences in the XBee 802.15.4 vs. the XBee ZB (S2) and (S2C)
The two most common RF radios that are available from Digi are the 802.15.4 and ZB. The 802.15.4 and ZB modules are quite similar, but selection of a module should be based upon application sp...
Jul 06, 2017
XBee 868/865 LP G4 Band
The XBee 868 LP (Low Power) version of the XBee modules has the ability for frequency selection. The module can be configured to use the G4 band.The G4 band uses a single frequency 869.85MHz or cha...
Jul 06, 2017
Digital and analog sampling using XBee radios
XBee radios have multiple I/O lines that can be used to gather Digital or Analog data, then transmit that data to another XBee for interpretation. Because sample data is always provided in an API f...
Jul 06, 2017
device connectivity problems, can't resolve hostnames
If you're experiencing "cannot resolve hostname" errors on your device, it usually indicates a problem with your network's Domain Name System (DNS), which translates websit...
Jul 06, 2017
TCP ports for Digi ESP software development tool
Troubleshooting connectivity issues with Digi ESP.Maybe you are under a firewall, make sure you have all the following ports opened:    7: Used to validate the connection with the...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi Python Learning Recommendations - for training materials from the creators of the language.Digi Python Wiki - specializing in python and how it applies to Digi products:
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Configure Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU Bridge using ConnectPort X2/X4 Gateways and Series 2 XBee
First make sure the Xbee nodes have joined with the ConnectPort X2/X4  Gateway: Once joined, ensure the XBee node and the gateway are configured with the same PAN ID under the Basic Settings:...
Jul 06, 2017
Example: DRM API to Change the DRM Name and Primary Time Server on XBee Gateways (
Example: DRM API to Change the DRM Name and Primary Time Server on XBee Gateways (formerly ConnectPort X2e) The following example shows how to send an API from Digi's Device ...
Jul 06, 2017
Unable to Discover XBee Nodes From the ConnectPort X Coordinator Web Interface or the Device Cloud
Unable to Discover XBee Nodes From the ConnectPort X Coordinator Web Interface or the Device Cloud When a ConnectPort X Gateway is unable to Discover XBee nodes, we recommend pressing the small but...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Change the Device Cloud Name on XBee Gateways (Formerly ConnectPort X2e) from the Web Interf
HOW TO: Change the Device Cloud Name on XBee Zigbee Gateways (Formerly: ConnectPort X2e)  from the Web Interface  To change the server name for the Device Cloud connection on the XB...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Configure Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU Bridge using ConnectPort X2/X4 Gateways and Series 1 XBee
First make sure the Xbee nodes have joined with the ConnectPort X2/X4 802.15.4 Gateway: Once joined, ensure the XBee node settings are configured with the same PAN ID as the ConnectPort X2/X4 Gate...
Jul 06, 2017
connecting an antenna to the xbee gateway
The Digi XBee Gateway has internal cellular and ZigBee antennas. It is not possible to connect an external one.
Jul 06, 2017
troubleshooting GPS problems on Digi Connect Core 3G 9P
The GPS is part of the modem, so it does not appear as a separate USB device.  There is a separate USB interface for the NMEA port.  That appears on the connections management page (CC3G ...
Jul 06, 2017
can the digi plug and play firmware support modbus?
The answers regarding modbus will depend if one is using an actual X2 or the Xbee Gateway.Assuming it's the X2, then Here's the Modbus Python Resource Page:
Jul 06, 2017
changing dia web interface
This can be done by editing the dia.yml file.  Inside of it there will be a presentation section.  You can edit the 'page' value.  In the example below we are specifying the path of 'id...
Jul 06, 2017
convert IEC_104 protocol to IEC_101
On possible solution using Python can be seen here: Otherwise we would suggest to use Google for further research.
Jul 06, 2017
NTP requirements for connectivity
If you are facing connectivity problems, such as not able to connect to Remote Manager or build a VPN tunnel with certificates, check the time and date settings, such as NTP or SNTP settings on the...
Jul 06, 2017
Device Not Reachable on the Network and the IP Address Shows as: 169.254.x.x
Whether due to a network problem, or the lack of a DHCP server on the local network to hand out IP addresses, the device is unable to obtain an IP address.  As a result, the device will t...
Jul 06, 2017
XBee PRO SX Product Manual
Click here for the XBee PRO SX product manual.
Jul 06, 2017
Bit Masks and the SC Parameter
For the SC parameter:The selection of channels is set by use of the SC (Scan Channels) parameter.  This is a bitmask. By setting the bitmask, you can force a choice of either a range...
Jul 06, 2017
XLR PRO and Serial Communications
Most understand that the XLR PRO can be used for Ethernet Bridging.  But did you know that it also supports RS232, RS485 and RS22 communications?This is done by using the RJ 45 port between th...
Jul 06, 2017
Digi XBee, RF Gateway and Python Development Resource page
This article contains a number of links useful for development with Digi's RF Gateway and XBee productline.  Digi RF Gateways have an inherent Python interpreter, so a key focus has been m...
Jul 06, 2017
Description of chronyd Operation and NTP sample frequency within XBee Gateway and ConnectPort X2e SE
Options from Remote Manager Device UI (DCUI)The Gateway’s DCUI --- Advanced Configuration --- Time Server --- NTP Time Precision setting contains two options:  Standard = minpoll, m...
Jul 06, 2017
Sending data over an asynchronous network. Example of indirect messaging.
The following is a configuration example of a network of 900 HP modules or modems for a point-to-point or point-to-multi-point network using asynchronous sleep: This example has two modules; howev...
Jul 06, 2017
Sending Serial Data via Remote Manager, X2e and an Xbee
Periodically, one wants to send data from the Remote Manager to an XBee module connected to a device via the XBee modules Serial port or COM port. This can be done using the default application t...
Jul 06, 2017
Cellular Data Usage Challanges
It is common question to ask how much cellular data is your Digi device going to use.  This is most often done to determine billing costs.  Here are some of the difficulties of counting these items...
Jul 06, 2017
Power Sources for Digi Radios
To properly plan a power system, power reliability is a major concern.There are a few options available to ensure that when power is interrupted, pumps, PLCs, or other types of equipment may remain...
Jul 06, 2017
Antenna orientation
Occasionally we get asked, what way should my antennas face?   For high gain directional antennas commonly called a Yagi, they should be pointed so that the long axis of the antenna should b...
Jul 06, 2017
HOW TO: Enable the Mobile Firewall of an XBee Gateway (CP-X2e ZB) cellular
Description:In the article "Security Bulletin: DNS Proxy Vulnerability on Internet Connected Routers/Gateways", the topic of DNS Proxy Attacks and other forms of mischief which can someti...
Jul 06, 2017
Why are there delays when streaming packets in broadcast mode using Zigbee?
Why do I see large delays when sending rapid Broadcast packets - using an address of 0xFFFF? Unlike unicast transmission that supports acknowledgment of data delivery to avoid unnecessary retire...
Jul 06, 2017
Intrinsic Safety
 Obtaining Intrinsic Safety CertificationsDigi radio modems are used in products operating in hazardous environments. To ensure compliance, electronic equipment intended for use in areas with ...
Jul 06, 2017
Xtend Version B and Country or Regional Firmware
Can one change the firmware on a 9xtend from the U.S. version to an Australian version by simply changing the firmware?In the past, one could simply change the firmware on the radio to get it to op...
Jul 06, 2017
9Xtend and over-the-air commands
Can the standard or Peer-to-peer, Point-to-point, point-to-multi-point firmware for the 9XTend version B support over the air commands?No. The reason behind this is to hold compatibility with the o...
Jul 06, 2017
Does the standard version of 9XTend version B contain any additional API frames?
With the release of the 9XTend version B module some have asked if additional API frames have been added to the product? No, to keep with compatibility, the firmware does not contain any additiona...
Jul 06, 2017
How to Run a range test with the 9Xtend and XCTU 6x
In most cases, running a range test can be done by following the directions that come in XCTU or within the Quick Start Guides. With the 9XTend, that is not the case. This does not mean that you ca...
Jul 06, 2017
Using Digis Applications Cluster IDs and End points on a Digi XBee
Digi Profile   Provides an overview of the ZigBee endpoint and cluster ID functionality supported in the Digi drop-in-networking profile.    Digi XBee Profile Overview The Digi...
Jul 06, 2017