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XBee 868/865 LP G4 Band

The XBee 868 LP (Low Power) version of the XBee modules has the ability for frequency selection. The module can be configured to use the G4 band.

The G4 band uses a single frequency 869.85MHz or channel (Channel 29) (SC 0x20000000). The standard assumes that that both LBT (Listen Before Talk) and AFA (Auto Frequency Agility) are both disabled and that the maximum output power of the transmitter is set to 5mW or less (PL 0 and 1).  This channel or frequency also does not use a duty cycle limit as it assumes a 100% duty cycle.

To configure the XBee 868 LP modules to use the G4 band, use the following settings:

CM: 0x20000000
PL0 (2mW) or PL1 (5mW)
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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