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Recommended Time Server (NTP) configuration for ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy and XBee Gateways


Digi uses two different Time Server (NTP) factory default configurations on ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy and XBee Gateway ZB products:

  1. A configuration for cellular-connected gateways
  2. A configuration for wired Ethernet or WiFi-connected gateways.

The difference is that the Eth/Wifi gateways have 4 x NTP servers configured, whereas the Cellular gateways only have 1 NTP server configured.

Eth/Wifi Gateway NTP server config:

Cellular Gateway NTP server config:

Example:  Device Cloud UI screenshot of a ConnectPort X2e for Smart Energy - Ethernet gateway's Time Server configuration:

The reason we use a different Time configuration for the Cellular gateways is that although the 4 x NTP server configuration would result in more accurate time-keeping, using the same configuration on a Cellular gateway would result in excessive cellular bandwidth being consumed, and therefore higher cellular bills.

Additional Reading:

Firewall concerns for outbound EDP connections to Device Cloud or Remote Manager



Last updated: Oct 04, 2024

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