Once your device is registered and connected to Remote Manager, you can open the Remote Manager web application to control your device:

To launch the web application from sources follow these steps:

  1. Download the software for the demo from https://github.com/digidotcom/digi-iot-web-apps/zipball/master.

  2. Unzip the downloaded file.

  3. Navigate to the connectcore directory.

    $ cd digidotcom-digi-iot-web-apps-<sha1>/connectcore
  4. Execute the run_web_app.py script with your Python 3 interpreter.

    $ python3 run_web_app.py

    The script starts a web server and executes the demo web application. A new tab in your preferred web browser is automatically opened with the web application.

    If the web browser is not automatically launched, open your preferred web browser and type the following address: