Follow these steps to build your Android custom images based on Digi’s source code:
Set up your environment and install the sources. If you have not already done so, see Set up your development computer and Install Digi Embedded for Android.
Change to the directory where the source code is installed.
$ cd dea-9.0-r3
Initialize the build environment:
$ source build/
Select a ConnectCore 8X target to build:
ccimx8xsbcpro-user creates images with no root access, suitable for production.
ccimx8xsbcpro-userdebug like user images but with root access and debug capability.
Information about the selected target is displayed:
$ lunch ccimx8xsbcpro-userdebug ============================================ PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL PLATFORM_VERSION=9 TARGET_PRODUCT=ccimx8xsbcpro TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=userdebug TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release TARGET_ARCH=arm64 TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT=armv8-a TARGET_CPU_VARIANT=cortex-a53 TARGET_2ND_ARCH=arm TARGET_2ND_ARCH_VARIANT=armv7-a-neon TARGET_2ND_CPU_VARIANT=cortex-a9 HOST_ARCH=x86_64 HOST_2ND_ARCH=x86 HOST_OS=linux HOST_OS_EXTRA=Linux-5.0.0-32-generic-x86_64-Ubuntu-18.04.3-LTS HOST_CROSS_OS=windows HOST_CROSS_ARCH=x86 HOST_CROSS_2ND_ARCH=x86_64 HOST_BUILD_TYPE=release BUILD_ID=dea-9.0-r3.1 OUT_DIR=out ============================================ $
Use make to build the Android images.
To build the complete Android firmware, execute:
$ make -j<Number_Of_Jobs>
Building Android can take several hours, depending mainly on the number of CPUs of the development machine and the parallelization level used in the make command. -
To only build the bootloader image, execute:
$ make -j<Number_Of_Jobs> bootloader
To only build the boot image, execute:
$ make -j<Number_Of_Jobs> bootimage
The command make can handle parallel tasks with a -jN argument, and it’s common to use a number of tasks N that’s between 1 and 2 times the number of hardware threads on the computer used for the build.
Once the build process finishes, check that the resulting images are inside the dea-9.0-r3 sources directory at out/target/product/ccimx8xsbcpro. List them with the following command:
$ ls -lh out/target/product/ccimx8xsbcpro/
To program generated development images into your ConnectCore 8X, follow the steps in Program firmware.
The images generated during this process are suitable for development. When you prepare for release, you must generate the proper images. See Generate release custom images. |