Add packages to your target image

To add a package, such as strace to your image, add the following to your project’s conf/local.conf file:

IMAGE_INSTALL:append = " strace"
Note the required white space when appending a value to an array variable using the :append override syntax.

Add features to your target image

The Yocto project uses features to define a set of customizations to apply to target images, such as the addition of a related set of packages. Apart from the standard Yocto features, the Digi Embedded Yocto images introduce some new features that allow for a certain degree of customization ease. Use the following syntax to add features to your conf/local.conf project configuration file:

EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES = "<feature-name1> <feature-name2>"

Most of the features are automatically selected based on the selected machine. For example, a machine that supports ALSA will include the dey-audio feature automatically.

Digi Embedded Yocto features:

  • dey-audio: Adds audio support to a platform.

  • dey-bluetooth: Adds Bluetooth support.

  • dey-debug: Adds Digi Embedded Yocto debugging applications like memwatch and tcpdump.

  • dey-examples: Adds Digi Embedded Yocto example applications.

  • dey-gstreamer: Adds the gstreamer framework to a platform.

  • dey-lvgl: Adds Light and Versatile Graphics Library (LVGL) examples.

  • dey-network: Adds network applications and tools.

  • dey-qt: Adds Qt support.

  • dey-webkit: Adds WebKit browser and examples.

  • dey-wireless: Includes wireless applications and drivers.