Create projects

Before you build Digi Embedded Yocto, you need to create a platform-specific project.

If you are using the Digi Embedded Yocto Docker container, the startup script offers to create a new project. If you already created one, go directly to Build images.

You can also follow these steps to create a project manually.

Use the script to check supported platforms:

$ source /usr/local/dey-5.0/ -l

To initialize the project and environment, use the script. For example, for the ConnectCore MP25 Development Kit, do the following:

$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/workspace/ccmp25-dvk
$ cd ${HOME}/workspace/ccmp25-dvk
$ source /usr/local/dey-5.0/ -p ccmp25-dvk

This initializes the project with a conf directory and two configuration files:

  • bblayers.conf: The available layers are configured here.

  • local.conf: Local configuration variables affecting only this project are customized here.

The script sets the environment for the build in the current running terminal. It also creates a dey-setup-environment script in the project’s root folder. This script can safely be rerun over existing projects to set up the build environment on a new terminal.

If you close your current terminal and open a new one, you must run the dey-setup-environment script before you use Digi Embedded Yocto.

Update existing projects

When updating your installation of Digi Embedded Yocto, you need to erase the tmp and sstate-cache directories from existing projects and build them from scratch. Leaving the directories intact may result in problems in the build and the final images.

Build images

By default, ConnectCore MP25 Digi Embedded Yocto images include the Wayland desktop backend.

To build Digi Embedded Yocto images, use the command bitbake <image-recipe> from your project’s directory. For example:

$ bitbake dey-image-webkit

Bitbaking an image recipe implies downloading and building the source code of all the recipes that form part of the root file system, which takes several hours the first time. Some source code repositories, such as the Linux kernel, represent a large download that might time out and make your build process fail. If this happens, run the following command to just fetch the source code of the offending recipe separately (to dedicate all CPU resources to it):

$ bitbake -k --runall=fetch <image-recipe>

When this task finishes successfully (you may need several retries), you can proceed to build your image recipe. Do the same with any recipe that fails with a timeout during the fetch operation.

Inspect build deliverables

You can find generated images inside your project’s directory, in the <project_folder>/tmp/deploy/images/ccmp25-dvk folder. This directory contains the following files:

  • Boot image, with the boot.vfat file extension, which contains the Linux kernel, device trees and U-Boot scripts

  • Root file system images in the following formats:

    • ext4.gz, a compressed ext4 partition image that can be programmed into the eMMC or SD card after being decompressed

    • sdcard.gz, a compressed SD card image you can use to create a bootable SD card after being decompressed

    • tar.xz, a compressed root file system tarball that you can use to set up a remote NFS share to boot from

    • manifest, a text file with the list of all the packages installed in the rootfs

  • Recovery image, with the recovery.vfat file extension, which contains the recovery Linux kernel, device tree files, and U-Boot scripts

  • ARM Trusted Firmware image tf-a-ccmp25-dvk-optee-emmc.stm32. This is the first stage boot loader that runs after the ROM loader. Additional files for different boot media are located inside the arm-trusted-firmware/ subfolder.

  • FIP image fip-ccmp25-dvk-optee-emmc.bin, with the U-Boot boot loader and Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)

  • Metadata image metadata-ccmp25-dvk.bin, required by the TF-A to know what FIP image to boot.

  • Linux kernel images with the bin file extension, which you can use to update an existing boot partition

  • Linux kernel device tree images with the dtb file extension, which you can use to update an existing boot partition

Build a software update package

The procedure to create an SWU update package varies depending on the type of package you want to create. Refer to SWU packages for pros and cons of each type of package, and Create SWU image to learn more about creating SWU packages.