This section helps you set up your ConnectCore device to see LVGL in action.

The goal of this section is to have an LVGL demo application running in your device. The application is a slightly modified version of the LVGL Linux Framebuffer example, which runs the Widgets demo.

Follow these steps to get started using the LVGL demo with your ConnectCore 6UL SBC Pro.


  • A ConnectCore 6UL SBC Pro

  • LVDS or HDMI display for the graphical user interface

  • A mouse to work in the graphical user interface

Download the firmware

Program the LVGL demo image

Digi recommends you program the images using the Universal Update Utility (UUU) through a USB connection to your development PC.

  1. Decompress the zip file in a directory of your choice.

  2. Download the latest Universal Update Utility (UUU), a software tool from NXP.

    UUU version should be v1.5.11 or higher.
  3. Place the uuu executable in a directory in your PATH, such as /usr/bin.

  4. Install udev rules to allow any user to run uuu to access the USB port:

    $ sudo sh -c "uuu -udev >> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-uuu.rules"
    $ sudo udevadm control --reload
  5. Connect a micro USB cable to your development PC and the other end to the target USB OTG connector.

  6. Reset the device by pressing the reset button on the board and immediately press any key in the serial terminal to stop the auto-boot process. The U-Boot bootloader prompt displays:

    U-Boot dub-2024.04-r2.2+g9218b07cddd+p0 (Feb 24 2025 - 16:56:03 +0000)
    CPU:   i.MX6UL rev1.2 528 MHz (running at 396 MHz)
    CPU:   Industrial temperature grade (-40C to 105C) at 36C
    Reset cause: POR
    DRAM:  256 MiB
    MCA:   HW_VER=1  FW_VER=1.19
    Core:  94 devices, 22 uclasses, devicetree: separate
    PMIC:  PFUZE3000 DEV_ID=0x30 REV_ID=0x11
    NAND:  256 MiB
    MMC:   FSL_SDHC: 0
    In:    serial
    Out:   serial
    Err:   serial
    Model: Digi International ConnectCore 6UL SBC.
    ConnectCore 6UL SOM variant 0x06: Industrial Ultralite 528MHz, 256MB NAND, 256MB DDR3, -40/+85C, Wireless, Bluetooth
      Board version 3, ID 135
    Boot device:  NAND
    Net:   FEC0 [PRIME]
    Fastboot: Normal
    Normal Boot
    Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
    Information in the console log may vary.
  7. On the target, in U-Boot, execute the following command:

    => fastboot 0
  8. On your development PC, change to the directory where you extracted the ZIP file:

    $ cd <zip-folder>
  9. To program the demo image, run:

    $ ./ -i dey-image-lvgl
  10. Once the firmware is installed, the device boots automatically. The default username is root with no password.

Test the LVGL demo

The LVGL demo is automatically launched on boot.

LVGL widgets demo
The application’s scrolling mechanism works as if you’re using a touchscreen, even when you’re using a mouse. To scroll in a specific direction, click and hold anywhere in the application window and move the mouse in the opposite direction while holding the mouse button.

To build an image with a customized version of the demo, see Customize the LVGL demo.