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HOW TO: Troubleshoot Remote Manger Connectivity Issues from the Command Line Interface of a Digi Connect WAN, ConnectPort, or ERT/Ethernet Gateway

To access the command line, use a terminal emulator client, such as, telnet, PuTTY to telnet to the IP address assigned to the gateway.

Check current connectivity status with Remote Manager:

#> display idigi

The status field will show the current connecting status.

Confirm the Remote Manager server URL is correct:

#> set mgmtconn

You will likely need to scroll up to view the first entry for the Client connection type configuration.

The svraddr1 field is where the Remote Manager server is set. Please be sure this points to the server where your Remote Manager account resides:

US server: en://

If the value is not set correctly, here is the proper syntax:

#> set mgmtconn conntype=client svraddr1=en://

If these settings look correct, you will want to ensure you can ping Remote Manager in the next step.

Ping the Remote Manager server:

#> ping (your_Remote Manager _server_name)

If pings are successful, continue to the next step.

If pings are not successful, ensure a proper DNS server is configured on your gateway or substitute use of DNS names for the nslookup IP address of each server DNS name used in the configuration:

#> show network

The dns1 field should contain a valid DNS server IP address, if you do not have a DNS server, try using Google OpenDNS:

#> set network dns1=

Ping the server again to ensure it is successful with the DNS setting.

Check for a firewall:

Most devices use SSL socket 3199 to connect into Remote Manager, but occasionally 3197 is used:

#> telnet 3199 (or 3197, if non-SSL socket is used)

If an error is returned, it would be an indication that the port required for EDP socket connection into Remote Manager is being firewalled. Please contact your IT Department or Network Administrator to open the 3197 or 3199 port.

A successful connection will simply present a blank screen. Type [Ctrl]-] [Enter] to escape out of the telnet session and type quit at the telnet prompt to exit telnet.

Additional Reading:

Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

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