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Device Cloud Configuration, Migration, and Troubleshooting Guide


Digi makes a number of different products capable of connecting to the Device Cloud, from hardware products to those which are purely software. Unfortunately, not all Device Cloud-capable devices have the same methods of configuration for connecting to Device Cloud, nor are their troubleshooting methods the same. If you don't know how to configure or troubleshoot your product to connect to a Device Cloud server (or migrate from to a different Device Cloud server), this article is for you....

NOTE: The following list is not exclusive. In other other words, if a Gateway isn't listed here, that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't capable of connecting to Device Cloud, it only means we haven't added a link to an article for that product yet. We do intend to include guidance for every capable device or Gateway possible, so if any are missing or should be added, feedback is welcome!




Troubleshooting Guides:


HOW TO: Troubleshoot Device Cloud Connectivity Issues from the Command Line Interface of a Digi Connect WAN, ConnectPort, or ERT/Ethernet Gateway

HOW TO: Troubleshoot Device Cloud Connectivity Issues from the WebUI of a Digi Connect WAN or ConnectPort gateway

Getting Device Cloud Connected: Firewall concerns for outbound Gateway connections to Device Cloud


Configuration Guides:


Adding a Digi Device to the Digi Device Cloud Platform

HOW TO: Configure a Digi Connect WAN, ConnectPort, or ERT/Ethernet Gateway for a Device Cloud server connection from the CommandLine Interface (CLI)

HOW TO: Configure a Digi Connect WAN or ConnectPort Gateway for a Device Cloud connection - WebUI method

HOW TO: Configure an XBee Gateway, ConnectPort X2e ZB Cellular, or ConnectPort X2e SE for a Device Cloud connection - WebUI method

Configuring a Digi TransPort router for Device Cloud connectivity - Web User Interface (WebUI) method

Last updated: Jan 18, 2024

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