Every time you make a change to a design, the resolution process explores all possible design component schemes to find a valid solution with the new configuration. The following changes may trigger the resolution process:
Adding a component
Modifying the assigned resource of a component
Modifying a component setting value
Changing the assigned pad of an IOmux
The resolution process task may modify existing components' assigned pads and resources to look for a valid design solution. In this case, a Design Changes summary box appears, listing all changes that will be made to the design to make the design solution valid:

At this point, you can choose to accept or decline the design changes.
After you accept the new design configuration, the changes cannot be undone. |
Lock resources and pads
To keep the resolution process task from modifying an assigned resource or pad, you must lock them so their values are fixed during resolution.
To lock a component-assigned resource:
Select the component.
Select the Lock checkbox next to the Associated resources combo box.
To lock a component-assigned IOmux pad:
Select the component IOmux.
Select the Lock pad checkbox next to the IOmux Pad combo box.
You can also lock an assigned IOmux pad by selecting the component and checking the desired IOmux lock checkbox in the IOmux table.
Locking an assigned IOmux pad also locks the assigned component resource. You cannot unlock the resource until all assigned component IOmux pads are unlocked. |
Resolution process errors
In the following scenarios, Smart IOmux may not be able to resolve the design given the specified conditions:
There is no possible design solution to satisfy the current design configuration.
There are not enough free pads to hold all components in their current configuration.
There are not enough free resources to hold a new component.