Disable the power cycle on disconnect feature

The power cycle on disconnect feature is globally enabled by default on the Hub. You can choose to globally disable this feature if desired.

When enabled, the power is cycled by default to each USB device when the device disconnects from a PC.

Note This feature is disabled by default on the AnywhereUSB Plus 24 variant without Wi-Fi. If your device has a serial number greater than or equal to AW24-010000, this feature can be enabled. Otherwise, the feature does not work as expected and should not be enabled.

Note You can also disable this feature using the power_cycle_on_unbind CLI command.

  1. Open the web UI.
  2. Select System > Device Configuration > Services > AnywhereUSB.
  3. Expand Power cycle on disconnect. The feature is enabled by default.
  4. Click Enable to disable the feature.
  5. Click Apply to save the changes.