Block a client ID

You can temporarily block a client ID from being able to connect to the devices in a group or a set of groups. This feature is useful if you need to control which client IDs can access the devices in a group or groups. The client ID is blocked for the default time period.

When you apply a block, the client ID is automatically disconnected from the devices in the group(s) selected for the block. During the block time period, the client ID can't manually reconnect to the devices in the blocked group, and auto-connect is suspended. Another client ID can connect to the group during the block time period.

You can block a client ID that is already blocked. Any existing block is replaced by the new block, and the default block time period starts over. This is useful if you need to change the groups included in the block or if you need to extend the block time period.

Note Only a Hub administrator can access the AnywhereUSB Status page and block a client ID.

  1. Open the web UI.

  2. Select Status > Services > AnywhereUSB. The AnywhereUSB Status page displays.

  3. (Optional) Expand the Groups in Use section to review the groups used by each client ID.

  4. Expand the Blocked Clients section.

  5. From the Client ID list box, select the client ID that you want to block.

  6. Select the group(s) that you want to block for the client ID. All of the groups are selected by default.

    To change the default list of groups, enter the desired groups in the Block Groups field, or click on a group from the group options below the field to deselect it.

  7. Click Apply to block the selected client ID from the selected group(s).

    • The Blocked Clients section is updated to display the blocked client ID in the blocked client list.

    • The Groups in Use section is updated to show that the client ID is no longer connected to the blocked groups.

    • In the AnywhereUSB Manager, the message Temporarily Blocked displays as the group Status in the status pane. See AnywhereUSB Manager Group Status pane.