AnywhereUSB Configuration page

The AnywhereUSB Configuration page consists of all configuration options related to a AnywhereUSB Hub.

To access this page, open the web UI and click System > ConfigurationAnywhereUSB Configuration.

Service Settings

Click Service Settings to expand this section.

Item Description


Click Enable to enable the AnywhereUSB service.



Specify the port number that is used to access the Hub. The default value is 18574. If you change the port number you must also change the corresponding port number on your computer.
Enable USB debug logging


Select this option to enable USB debug logging. This feature should only be used when working with Digi Technical Support to debug an issue.

Group Settings

Click Group Settings to expand this section. In this section you can name groups and assign USB ports to the groups.

For instructions, see Name groups and assign ports to a group.

Item Description
Group Description


A free-form description of a group. You can type over the default description.

One row displays for each group, and up to 24 groups are available, depending on your model.

The Unassigned group row is used for any port that is not assigned to a group.

Port Assignments


Specify the USB ports in each group. Each port on a Hub can be assigned to only one group. Ports that are not assigned to a group can be put in the Unassigned group.

Depending on your model, 2, 8, or 24 group rows are available.

Client Connections

Click Client Connections to expand this section and display information about the clients that can connect to the Hub.

For more information, see Configure and manage client IDs.

Item Description
Select a client to configure


Select the existing client that you want to update or remove.

Client ID


The client ID is a unique identifier assigned to a user account the first time a user logs in to a computer and opens the AnywhereUSB Manager. During this process, the AnywhereUSB Manager creates a secure identity certificate that is associated with the client ID. This certificate is used to validate your user account with the Hub.

See Configure and manage client IDs.



The status of the certificate associated with the client ID. This certificate is used to validate your user account with the Hub.

The Certificate value is Unavailable until certificates have been exchanged between the computer and the Hub. After this occurs, the Certificate value is updated to Available.

See Configure a client ID.



A free-form description of the client.
Group Access


The groups that this client is allowed to access. The USB ports in the group can be accessed by this user account.

See Configure a client ID.

Add Client


Click Add Client to manually add a new client ID.

See Manually add a client ID.

Automatically Register Unknown Clients


This feature is not currently implemented.

Group Access


This section is related to the Automatically Register Unknown Clients option, which is not currently implemented.