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XBee3 Telit cellular firmware update FOTA through Digi Remote Manager fails DRM reconnect after first upgrade

In summary, the first stage upgrade works, based on inspection via XCTU, but then it does not connect to the Digi Remote Manager anymore so one cannot perform the second stage upgrade.
DO on module reports 0x02 "Remote Manager connection in progress"  AI reports 0x0 "Connected to Internet"


To work around this issue, it is recommended that you use XBee firmware version 31015 before preforming the FOTA DRM  Telit update. 

  • XBee firmware 31015 connects to DRM no problem using the .304-B301 modem firmware
  • FOTA update from the .304-B301 intermediate image to .306, using 31015 XBee firmware, works fine
  • XBee firmware 31015 connects to DRM no problem using the .306 modem firmware. 

Additionally, XBee OTA from 31015 to 31016 succeeds, and the XBee connects to DRM afterward.

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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