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Wireless Vehicle Bus Adapter (WVA) TLS v1.2 Support

As of Firmware version, the Wireless Vehicle Bus Adapter (WVA) only supports TLS v1.2 to avoid the "BEAST" OpenSSL vulnerability.  All previous versions of SSL are no longer supported.
Further details can be found in the firmware release notes located here.

NOTE:  Once the WVA has been upgraded to the latest firmware version, it is not possible to go back to previous firmware versions.  Ensure that all applications work with the latest firmware in a test environment prior to deploying the firmware to production devices.

NOTE 2: TLS v1.1 and v1.2 are disabled by default on versions of Android prior to 5.0.  These links show how to enable TLS v1.2 within the Android applications:

Last updated: Jan 04, 2024

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