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What groups does the WR31 Support under Class 1 Dev 2?

WR31 Class 1 Division 2, Groups A,B,C,D Hazardous Location statement

The TransPort WR31 is suitable for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, and D or Non-hazardous locations only.
These devices are open-type devices that are to be installed in a tool only accessible enclosure suitable for the environment.

Warning: Explosion Hazard - Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been switched off or the area is know to be non-hazardous.

Avertissement: Risque d’Exlposion - Avant de déconnecter l’equipment, couper le courant ou s’assurer que l’emplacement est désigné non dangereux.

Warning: Explosion Hazard - Substitution of components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2.

Avertissement: Risque d’Exlposion - La substitution de composants peut rendre ce matérial inacceptable pour les emplacements de Classe I, Division 2.

Warning: The area must be known to be non-hazardous before servicing/replacing the unit and before installing.

Avertissement: La zone doit être connu pour être non dangereux avant l'entretien / remplacement de l'unité et avant l'installation.

Warning: Explosion Hazard - Do not replace power supply unless power has been switched off or the area is known to be non-hazardous.

Avertissement: Risque d’Exlposion - Ne remplace power supply pas d’alimentation eletrique á moins que le pouvoir n’ait été éteint ou on connu que la région soit non-hasardeuse.


Restriction on use of USB port

WARNING! The USB port is for use in a normal location only, not a hazardous location

Last updated: Jan 04, 2024

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