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What are the different types of serial port profiles on PortServer TS and One series products?

A port profile allows you to easily configure a serial port based on how you intend to use that port. Only the configuration settings relevant to the current profile are displayed in the profile settings. Ensure the PortServer TS and One series product has the latest Post and Firmware installed.   The Digi PortServer TS and One series products support the following port profiles:


RealPort Use RealPort to map a COM or TTY port to this serial port.
Console Management Manage a serial device's console port over a network connection.
TCP Sockets Auto-Connect to another host on the network or allow incoming connections on this serial port (Reverse Telnet).
UDP Sockets Allows the automatic distribution of serial data from one host to many devices at the same time.
Serial Bridging A serial bridge connects two serial devices over the network as if they were connected with a serial cable.
Industrial Automation Network-enable Industrial Automation (IA) devices or PLCs by connecting them to the serial port.
Printer Connect a printer to the serial port.
Terminal Connect a terminal to the serial port.
Modem Connect a modem to the serial port.
Custom Advanced configuration of the serial port.

RealPort Profile

The RealPort Profile allows you to map a COM or TTY port to the serial port of your Digi device server. The COM/TTY port appears and behaves as a local port to the PC or server. RealPort is also known as COM Port Redirection.

Console Management Profile

The Console Management Profile allows you to access a device's console port over a network connection. Most network devices such as routers, switches, and servers offer serial port(s) for management. Instead of connecting a terminal to the console port, cable the console port to the serial port of your Digi device server. Then using TCP/IP utilities like reverse telnet, network administrators can access these consoled serial ports from the LAN.

TCP Sockets Profile

The TCP Sockets Profile allows serial devices to communicate over a TCP network. The TCP Server configuration allows other network devices to initiate a TCP connection to the serial device attached to a serial port of the Digi device server. This is also referred to as Reverse Telnet.  In a TCP Client configuration, the Digi device server automatically establishes a TCP connection to an application or network device.

UDP Sockets Profile

The UDP Sockets Profile allows serial devices to communicate using UDP. The UDP Server configuration allows the serial port to receive data from one or more systems or devices on the network.
The UDP Client configuration allows the automatic distribution of serial data from one host to many devices at the same time using UDP sockets. This is also referred to as UDP Multicast.

Serial Bridging Profile

The Serial Bridging Profile configures one side of a serial bridge. A bridge connects two serial devices over the network as if they were connected with a serial cable. This is also referred to as serial tunneling. Each serial device is connected to the serial port of a Digi device server. Each Digi device server is configured to automatically connect to the other Digi device server.

Industrial Automation Profile

The Industrial Automation (IA) Profile allows you to connect IA devices and PLCs to the serial port in order to network-enable the devices. Use this profile if you need to communicate over the network with an IA device or PLC that only uses serial protocols. This profile may also be used to add routing capabilities to IA devices or PLCs that act as serial masters and send packets to various systems or devices on the network. Industrial Automation enhances the IA device or PLC connected to the serial port.

Printer Profile

The Printer Profile allows you to connect a printer to the serial port. Use this profile if you intend to print using the lpd protocol on your UNIX system.

Terminal Profile

The Terminal Profile allows you to connect a terminal to the serial port.

Modem Profile

The Modem Profile allows you to attach modem devices to the serial port in order to establish or receive connections from other systems and modems.

Custom Profile

The Custom Profile is an advanced option to allow full configuration of the serial port. Use it only if your application which doesn't fit into any of the predefined port profiles.
Please ensure you have a complete understanding how your custom protocol works with this profile.   This will ensure Digi Support will be able to provide assistance in troubleshooting this profile.


Note:   The serial port profile can also be changed via the cli.
Those commands are found in the Command Reference Guide:

Troubleshooting Knowledge base articles:
RealPort Troubleshooting for Microsoft Windows:

Loopback Test Portserver or Digi One family Device or Terminal Server products through the CLI using Connect:
How to factory reset a PortServer TS or Digi One SP:


Last updated: Dec 16, 2024

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