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Using Radius to control user access levels on the Portserver TS.

With PortServer TS products, only root can access the Web, meaning there is no option to use radius to authenticate via HTTP/HTTPS. 

This product line supports radius authentication to the command line and/or the ports.
User profiles configured locally on the PortServer TS will be used in preference to RADIUS defined users.  To use RADIUS do not define the user locally on the PortServer TS.

  1. Administrative User.  This user controls all TS cmd line options, but cannot make outbound connections to serial ports using the “connect” command from the CLI.
  2. Outbound User.  This user can directly connect to ports via its direct socket.  Or it can use the "connect" cmd via the TS cmd line.  No other cmd line options are supported.    To enforce login to the tcp socket, it is necessary to configure the ports to provide a login via the "set auth' cmd as described in the product manual.
  3. PPP User.  Framed User.  This is used for PPP users.
Last updated: Jan 05, 2024

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