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Turning on debugging in the HP-UX realport driver.

  • To turn debugging on:
    • adb -w -k /stand/vmunix /dev/mem
      You won''''t get a prompt, just start typing stuff.
    • drp_port_debug/X
      To see the debug flag we care about.

      It will response with something similar to:
      drp_port_debug: 0
    • drp_port_debug/W -1
      To turn on debugging.
    • drp_port_debug/X
      To verify it was set correctly, you should see:
      drp_port_debug: 0xFFFFFFFF


  • To turn debugging off, you will repeat the process, but switch the -1 to a 0.


  • To leave adb, type $q


  • At this point, it will log everything to /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
Last updated: Jan 11, 2024

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