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TransPort Wi-Fi Using Multiple Encryption & Channel Types

This KB article applies to:

  • Digi TransPort "WR" product family
  • Models with single Wi-Fi radios (please refer to the KB article below)

About Wi-Fi encryption:  It's not possible to use two or more different encryption types for different Wi-Fi nodes, for example, WEP on one node and WPA2-PSK on another node.  It is possible, however, to use Open encryption on one node and some type of encryption on another node.  If using the Transport as a Wi-Fi Client and Access Point simultaneously, the same encryption type must be used on both the Client and Access Point, or they can use Open encryption if no encryption is needed.

About Wi-Fi channels:  If using multiple Wi-Fi nodes, the same channel must be used on all nodes.  If using the Transport as a Wi-Fi Client and Access Point simultaneously, the same channel must be used on both nodes.  It is recommended to hard code the channel in this situation so that the Access Point does not set a particular channel when in "Auto" mode that the Client cannot use to connect to a different Access Point that may be running on a different channel.

NOTE:  Digi offers a TransPort "WR" part number that has dual Wi-Fi radios, which does support using different encryption types on each Wi-Fi radio, and also different channels on the radios.  Please refer to the KB article Which TransPort models offer dual radio Wi-Fi? for more information.

Last updated: Jan 03, 2024

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