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TCP & UDP ports blocked by Sprint

Here is a list of ports that Sprint block for inbound traffic.

TransPort routers use port 80 for web GUI management

TransPort routers use port 4000 for serial port access over TCP
         Sprint blocks certain known IP ports to keep unauthorized traffic from entering the CDN
>    80 tcp http (web servers)
>    icmp echo request ping
>    445 tcp/udp NetBIOS shares / drive mappings / windows authentication
>    135 tcp/udp NetBIOS shares / drive mappings / windows authentication (Microsoft RPC portmapper)
>    137 tcp/udp NetBIOS shares / drive mappings / windows authentication
>    138 udp NetBIOS shares / drive mappings / windows authentication
>    139 tcp NetBIOS shares / drive mappings / windows authentication
>    4000 tcp
>    4899 tcp
>    1026 udp
>    1027 udp
There are others, but we can’t release the entire list, these are the main ports that may affect some customers.

Last updated: Jan 16, 2024

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