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SuSE 8.2 RealPort Installation Instructions

Preparing for the Installation:

In SuSE 8.2, we had to download and install the following the kernel and kernel source images.

After these are installed, please try installing the latest driver using the following installation.


Installation instructions:

# script

Make sure your kernel source is installed and the symbolic link is created:

# rpm -qa | grep kernel
# uname -r

The kernel-source should match your running kernel exactly (uname -r). If not please install the matching kernel-source from your SuSE media or download source.

# ls -l /usr/src

Verify symbolic link between kernel source directory and ''''linux''''. If none is there, create one:

# ln -s /usr/src/linux-(version) /usr/src/linux

Rebuild the source rpm:

# rpm --rebuild (driver_name).src.rpm
# rpm -i /usr/src/packages/RPMS/i386/dgrp-#.#-X.i386.rpm


  • Load the module by typing and configure your Digi PortServer units using the graphical tool from an Xterm session:

    # /usr/bin/dgrp/config/dgrp_gui

    Configuring from the command line:

    # insmod dgrp
    # dgrp_cfg_node init (ttyid) (ip_address) (number_of_ports)

    The following example configures a 16 port PortServer with device names of ttya00 through ttya15:

    # dgrp_cfg_node init a 16


  • Completing the installation, press:

    # [Ctrl] d

    If any errors occur during this installation, please review the typescript file residing in the directory where the script command was issued for analysis/debugging.

    Upon successful installation your devices will be labeled /dev/tty[id][00-99]. The id is specified during the dgrp configuration.
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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