Sample PERL scripts for managing PortServer TS units without user interaction.

Perl scripts can be used to perform tasks on the PortServer TS units without the need for user interaction. Such scripts can be configured to execute automatically in the evening/off hours on various operating systems.

To install the Net::Telnet module:

perl -MCPAN -e "intalll Net::Telnet"

A sample script:


use Net::Telnet;
$telnet = new Net::Telnet ( Timeout=>10,
Errmode=>'die'); $telnet->open(''); 
$telnet->login(root, dbps); @lines = $telnet->cmd("who"); print @lines;

To flush the arp table, for example:


use Net::Telnet; 

$telnet = new Net::Telnet ( Timeout=>10,

                             Errmode=>'die');  $telnet->open('');

  $telnet->login(root, dbps);  @lines = $telnet->cmd("set arp");  print @lines;

  @lines = $telnet->cmd("remove arp");  @lines = $telnet->cmd("set arp");  print @lines;
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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