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Reset Xbee Network Layer

Process to reset an Xbee Network Layer:
  • To reset the Xbee Network Layer we will need two things,
  • Gateway Device ID: Found in Remote Manager -> Device Management -> Devices
  • Xbee Address: Found in Remote Manager -> Device Management -> XBee Networks
It is easier to search for the device network that you would like to reset by searching by the Device ID you have. The Xbee Serial Adapter Product Type should be an RS-485 Adapter, however if hardware configurations change or vary then look for the device that is simply not the X2 Gateway. At this time you can verify that the Xbee Serial Adapter is acting as a router as will by examining the Role.The Address needed is the value in the Extended Address column.
  • Now in Remote Manager click Documentation. Under documentation you will see the API Explorer button, which will take you into the Remote Manager API Explorer and allow you to easily issue API commands. 
  • Once in the API Explorer it will not have any commands typed into it yet. Please ensure that the HTTP Method is set to POST.
  • Finally using the previously gathered Gateway Device ID and Xbee Serial Adapter Address, you can use the below command with the values filled in to reset the Xbee Serial Adapter Network Layer. It is most likely easiest to just copy and paste the command below into the API Explorer and insert the desired values.  An example has also been included so that it is clear what the command is supposed to look like with the gathered information.
Command Template:
<sci_request version="1.0">
  <send_message cache="false">
      <device id="<Gateway Device ID>"/>
    <rci_request version="1.1">
      <do_command target="zigbee">
        <radio_command id="NR" option="apply" format="integer" addr="<Xbee Serial Adapter Address>!">0</radio_command>
Example Command:
<sci_request version="1.0">
  <send_message cache="false">
      <device id="00000000-00000000-00409DFF-FF000000"/>
    <rci_request version="1.1">
      <do_command target="zigbee">
        <radio_command id="NR" option="apply" format="integer" addr="00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00!">0</radio_command>
  • Once the command is entered, on the right hand side of the explorer, in the Web Services Response, you will see a response and once the processing/pending is complete it should have a 200 response code:
Example: POST /ws/sci 200
This indicates that the Network Layer reset has been successful.
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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