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OpenSSL Heartbleed fix for Digi Embedded Yocto 1.4

The OpenSSL Heartbleed fix for Digi Embedded Yocto 1.4  is available in the github repositories.

The instructions to fetch the Digi Embedded Yocto 1.4.1 update are as follows -

For customers who are deploying Digi Embedded Yocto for the first time, the instructions you should follow are:

                      # mkdir dey-1.4.1

                      # cd dey-1.4.1

                      # repo init -u refs/tags/1.4.1

                      # repo sync --no-repo-verify

For customers who *already* have dey-1.4.0 deployed, and want to update the OpenSSL libraries, the instructions are:

                      # cd <path/to/dey-1.4>

                      # repo init -b refs/tags/1.4.1

                      ** Note that in the previous step there is no need to set the URL as it is in the metadata of the previous deployment. **

                      # repo sync  --no-repo-verify

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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