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Managing a Client Device Profile - LoRaWAN


Client Device Profiles are used to manage the authentication and data details of LoRaWAN client devices. Client devices must be pre-configured on the X-ON platform before they can wirelessly authenticate and send/receive data. Before viewing the data coming from a stream, a Client Device Profile must first be created. During registration, client devices will be configured under an Application, which will be configured to export data using the Stream API in a number of different formats. The Stream feature is the API that allows for receiving and sending device data with external web-based applications.  Client devices can only be registered under a single application.

Creating a Client Device Profile


Figure 1: Selecting an Application Profile


Figure 2: Adding a device to an application


Figure 3: Creating a Client Device Profile

  1. From the Device tab in the Network module, select an Application profile that the client device will be registered under
  2. Select 'Add Device' from the Application-Device profile
    • This will take you to the Client Device Profile creation page
  3. Fill out the following information
    • EUI: Select a unique 16-digit hex value key
    • AppKey: Select a unique 32-digit hex value key
    • Description: Short description for the device
    • Trace: Provides different levels for logging
      • Note: For detailed logging, select Verbose
    • Class: Class A or C
      • Note: Most users select Class A as it provides the most efficient energy consumption
    • Rx1 Delay: 1
    • QR Code: Select a unique QR Code for the device.
    • Rx2 DR: 3
    • Active (Checked)
      • Note: If the device is in use, keep the checkbox checked
    • Select ‘Save’ to confirm the new Client Device


Figure 4: Viewing the new client device profile from the device page

Viewing a Client Device Profile

Details regarding a client device can be viewed from the Client Device's Profile page in the X-ON.


Figure 5: Select the Application profile that the client device profile is registered under


Figure 6: Select Client Device from the Device list

  1. Select the application in which the client device has been registered from the dropdown list on Application-Device Profile.
  2. Select the Dev EUI for the desired client device to view the Client Device Profile


Figure 7: Client Device Profile

Editing a Client Device Profile

If changes to a client device need to be made, this can be done following way.

From the Client Device Profile page


Figure 8: Editing Client Device from Client Device profile page

  1. From the Client Device profile page, select 'Edit'
  2. Edit the desired parameters
  3. Select 'Update' to submit changes to the client device profile


Figure 9: Updating Client Device Profile


Client Device Health Check

To check if the device is up, we send a message from the Device Profile page under Send Downlink Section. Enter Port= 05 and Hex Message =01, and click on 'Send Message'.  If the device is up, it should respond to the downlink message. 

Streams for a Client Device Profile

Haxiot provides different methods of transporting data to web applications. Streams provide a way to view and connect to data from client devices deployed in the field. 

Creating a Stream


Figure 10: Stream tab from the Client Device Profile


Figure 11: Streams available for a client device

  1. From the Client Device profile, select the Stream tab
    • Note: Lvl3 streams are typically application profile streams. Any Lvl3 streams found under a Client Device stream list will be the stream profile for the application in which the client device is registered under.
  2. Select 'Add Stream'
  3. Fill out the appropriate information
    • Select appropriate Transport Provider 
    • For Transform provider, select 'Stream Transform'
    • For the Output Format field, select 'Default JSON Transformation'
    • Fill other fields appropriately.
  4. Select 'Save' to add a new stream profile


Figure 12: Creating a stream

Once complete, a new stream will be available from the list of streams.


Figure 13: Device stream list

View Available Streams

Client Device profiles may have more than one stream available. To view a list of all available streams,


Figure 14: Stream tab from the Client Device Profile

  1. From the Client Device profile page, select the 'Stream' tab towards the top
    • A list of available streams will be displayed
    • Note: Level 4 streams represent application-level streams. This means that when viewing an Lvl4 stream, uplink and downlink packets will be viewable from those streams.


Figure 15: List of available streams

Editing Streams

Editing a stream can be done from the Stream's tab in the Client Device's Profile page.


Figure 16: Editing a stream from the stream tab

  1. Select 'Edit' for the desired stream that will be edited
    • If no ‘Edit’ option is available, click on ‘+’ to reveal extra options
  2. Edit the desired parameters
    • Caution: Do not change the server and port parameters as these pertain to our server configuration
  3. Select 'Save' to submit changes to the stream profile


Figure 17: Editing a stream

Deleting Streams

Removing stream can be done from the Stream's tab in the Client Device's Profile page.


Figure 18: Deleting a stream from the stream tab

  1. Select 'Delete' for the desired stream that is to be removed
  2. Confirm by selecting 'OK' on the confirmation box

View Built-In Stream

You can view data for a client device from X-ON Cloud in Built-in Stream.

From the Application-Device Profile Page


Figure 19: Opening client device built-in stream from an application-device profile

  1. From the Application- Device Profile page, select 'Stream' on the Client Device from the Client Device list

From the Client Device Profile Page


Figure 20: Opening client device built-in stream from the client device profile

  1. From the Client Device Profile page, select 'Stream'
    • Data viewed from this page is the same data viewable from a device stream
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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