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Information to collect for trouble shooting Digi Connect WAN Cellular VPN issues

Below is information that needs to be collected and given to Digi Technical Support for trouble shooting VPN issues.
   1. Firmware version of the Digi and VPN appliance.
   2. Cellular Carrier
   3. Log entries from the Digi Connect WAN (disp tech and disp log)
   4. Configuration files from Digi Connect WAN
   5. Device information for the other VPN tunnel end device (remote)
   6. VPN parameters configured in the other end of the VPN tunnel device (remote)

  1. If the other end is Cisco IOS based device, ask for debug and status info: 

        Debug crypto engine
        Debug crypto ISAKMP
        Debug crypto IPSEC
        Show crypto ISAKMP SA
        Show crypto IPSEC SA
        Show running (at least provide VPN related entries) 

  1.  If the other end is not Cisco IOS based, ask for system logs and configuration file from the VPN router


Last updated: Jan 05, 2024

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