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I added two entries to my platforms mmuTable and now my device will not boot

Problem: A customer was developing their own platform. When they got their BSP code updated their device would not boot up even with the simplest sample application.

Analysis: Developing your own platform, within the NET+OS development environment requires you to start with an existing platform and then make changes to the BSP that reflect the differences between the existing platform and the platform you are creating. In the case of a particular customer, they were attempting to modify the mmuTable (contains chip select references) contained in file src\bsp\platforms\<your platform>\customizeCache.c. In the NET+OS development environment, this table is limited to 48 entries. The current NET+OS BSP for the connectcore9p9215 platforms ships with an mmuTable containing 47 entries. This means that, as is, you can only add one entry to the table. This customer added two entries, making 49 entries and thus his device would not boot. The solution was to delete one entry, from the (existing) table that he knew he did not need, allowing him to add his two entries. After doing so, his device booted successfully.

Conclusion: The mmuTable, contained in file customizeCache.c allows for 48 entries. Adding more than 48 entries will cause the booting of the device to fail. You must limit the entries in the mmuTable to 48 entries. 

Last updated: Oct 21, 2024

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