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How to use a TransPort's Ethernet port as the WAN interface

For most model TransPorts, the PPP 1 interface is the default cellular WAN interface.  If needed, an Ethernet interface may be used instead for WAN connectivity, for example, to connect to a separate non-cellular modem via Ethernet for Internet access.

Generally, all that needs to be done for this to work is to change the Interface of the Default Route to the Ethernet port and to enable NAT on the Ethernet WAN port.

To change the Interface of the Default Route to the Ethernet port, from the TransPort's web interface, navigate to Configuration - Network > IP Routing/Forwarding > Static Routes > Default Route 0, and then change the "Default Route 0" Interface from PPP 1 (or whatever it currently is) to the appropriate Ethernet port, for example Ethernet 0.

For the vast majority of applications, enable NAT on the Ethernet WAN port.  In this "Ethernet as a WAN" scenario, NAT should only be disabled on the Ethernet WAN port in certain circumstances, for example, when using a private APN (and even then it may still need to be enabled).  To enable NAT on the Ethernet WAN port from the TransPort's web interface, navigate to Configuration - Network > Interfaces > Ethernet > ETH x* > Advanced, and then check "Enable NAT on this interface".  *Select the appropriate Ethernet port that's being used for WAN (usually Eth 0 but not always).  Optionally check the option to enable NAT for "IP address and Port" instead of just "IP address" to avoid any potential Port Forwarding issues in the future.


  • If the TransPort has multiple Ethernet ports, consider either enabling Port Isolate mode or utilizing Hub Groups.  Using an Ethernet port as the WAN interface will work without enabling Port Isolate mode or utilizing Hub Groups, but there are considerations.  If using the default Hub Mode instead of Port Isolate mode, traffic will route out of a single Ethernet port, for example Eth 0, and respond on that same port.
    • To enable Port Isolate mode from the TransPort's web interface, navigate to Configuration - Network > Interfaces > Ethernet > ETH 0 > Advanced, and then click the "Switch to Port Isolate mode" button, unless the device is already in Port Isolate mode.
    • A Hub Group can alternatively be utilized by putting the WAN Ethernet port (Eth 0 for example) in a Hub Group that's separate than the other ports.
    • For more information about Hub Mode vs. Port Isolate mode, and Hub Groups, please review the TransPort User Guide 
  • Be sure the TransPort's Ethernet IPv4 port settings are configured correctly, to match the Ethernet-attached device.
  • Be sure to Apply any configuration changes, save the configuration, and then Reboot the TransPort.
Last updated: Jan 04, 2024

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