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HOW TO: Upgrade the firmware of a remote Etherlite

Steps to upgrade remotely using only DgIpServ:


The correct firmware file for your Etherlite and DgIpServ (Windows version) in a common directory on a computer running Windows, Etherlite which can be pinged from Windows machine where the upgrade will take place.

1. This procedure will use two instances of DgIpServ:

  • Instance A to upgrade the firmware
  • Instance B to reset the unit.

Note: The timing between the two DgIpServ instances is crucial for this to work successfully.

2. Instance B: Select the "Reboot Unit" option:

3. Instance B: Enter the MAC and IP address but DO NOT hit "Next"!

4. Instance A:  Select the "Upgrade Firmware" option, then go through the dialogue to upgrade firmware. Be sure to enter the IP address, Default Gatewau address and Subnet Mask so the Etherlite knows how to get to the Etherlite.

Note:  Don't actually turn off power to the Etherlite as shown in the next screen.
Continue with the instructions instead.

5. Instance A: Hit "Next". You should see dialogue like this:

6. When you see the "Waiting..." dialogue in Instance A as shown above, hit the "Next" button in Instance B (this will reboot your remote Etherlite).

7. If all goes well you should see dialogue about the request received from IP xxxxx in Instance A, and dialogue saying Rebooted unit in Instance B.

Instance A:

Instance B:

Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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