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How to update the firmware on a Digi TransPort router using the Web interface


This article explains how to update the firmware on a Digi TransPort router using the Web interface. It applies only to Digi TransPort firmware versions 5.149 and later that include this option in the Web interface.

Upgrading the firmware via the Web interface will allow any existing configuration files on the router to be retained.

It is recommended to follow the steps below to firstly download a copy of the firmware zip file to your local PC, then to update the router's firmware from the local downloaded copy.

1) Obtain the latest firmware zip file, which can be found at the following link:

Digi TransPort firmware files

To locate the correct firmware for your model, after clicking on a link above, select the subdirectory containing the version you wish to download (the newest version is recommended) then the subdirectory relating to your model. Select the zip file to download it.

2) In the router's Web interface, select the "Update Firmware" option towards the bottom of the left hand menu structure. Click the "Browse" button to the right of the empty "Select Firmware:" field, then browse to the relevant directory on the local PC that contains the downloaded zip file, select the zip file then click "Open".

3) Click the "Update" button to start the firmware update process.

It is important to not interrupt the update process until it is complete.

4) If the update was successful, a message will indicate that the firmware update is complete. Click the link to reboot the router, then click the "Reboot" button.

5) Once the router has restarted, log into the Web interface again and select the "System Information" menu option. The web page will show a lot of information about the router, including the firmware image and bootloader version numbers, and will therefore indicate whether the update process has been successful - for example:

Model:  TransPort WR21
Part Number:  WR21-U82B-DE1-XX
Ethernet 0 MAC Address:  00:04:2D:XX:XX:XX
Serial:  123456

Firmware Version: (Feb 27 2015 07:26:10)
SBIOS Version:  7.33u
Build Version:  WW
HW Version:  2203a

Last updated: Jan 03, 2024

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