Important information for contacting Digi Technical Support

How to Uninstall COM Ports Installed by RealPort Drivers in Windows

Items to Note before Starting:
Ensure to document the IP address and COM port numbers already installed on the PC before uninstalling the COM ports installed by RealPort drivers. 
This can include the serial port settings that may have been configured previously.  These may be needed for a reinstall of the driver.

Ensure that the latest RealPort driver is being used, which can be downloaded from the Digi support site. 
The RealPort driver file should be unzipped before running the uninstall process (i.e. -  Do not run the “setup.exe” from within the .zip file).

Always run "setup.exe", no matter if the OS is 32-bit or 64-bit.  If feasible, run “setup.exe” from the computer's local hard drive, not a mapped network drive.
Ensure that the Windows User Account that's running “setup.exe” has Administrative privileges.  Additionally, launch “setup.exe” via right-click / Run as Administrator if the OS offers that option.
Steps to Uninstall the RealPort Driver: 
1.   Download the RealPort driver from the Digi Support site here.
2.   Click the Drivers section.

3.   Select the Windows operating system in the Operating System Specific Drivers area.
4.   Click the RealPort for Windows driver link and save to a location on the hard drive.
5.   Extract the RealPort driver that was downloaded.
6.   Run the “setup.exe” file.
7.   Click Remove an Existing Device.

8.   Click the Next button.
9.   Select the Digi device for which you want to uninstall the COM port.
10.   Click the Next button.
11.   Click the Finish button.
12.   Reboot the computer to complete the RealPort uninstallation process.

Last updated: Jan 02, 2024

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