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How to test a TransPort USB port

If facing issues with a TransPort USB port, please carefully follow the instructions described below before potentially requesting an RMA for defective hardware.  
These tests may also want to be run as a "sanity check" to ensure compatibility with certain USB flash drives, before potentially using them to flash Transport firmware and customer configuration data via custom ".all" files.

NOTE:  These tests require a USB flash drive that has been "FAT 32" formatted.  FAT 16 is technically supported, however we have seen better results with FAT 32.  When using FAT 32, please note that 32 GB is the largest partition recognized.  
If certain flash drives don't work, try a smaller capacity one.

1. Properly format the flash drive with the above considerations.

2. Create a new file “test.txt” on the flash drive from a Windows-based computer.

3. Power cycle the TransPort, give it 1 minute to ensure it's booted up, then attach the flash drive to it.

4. In the TransPort web interface, navigate to Administration – File Management > FLASH directory.  Scroll down past the files on the TransPort file system and look for the test.txt file in the “USB Directory Listing” category.  If the file is present, then the test is successful.  If not, try another flash drive if possible, to ensure the issue is not related to the first flash drive.

5. If #4 above works, do one further test - issue the command “copy u:test.txt test.txt” (without quotes) from the TransPort CLI.  
This should copy the file from the u (usb) flash drive to the TransPort file system.

Last updated: Sep 20, 2024

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