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HOW TO: Setup Unix as a TFTP Boot Host for PortServer and PortServer II Firmware Updates

1. Verify that a Server on the network has a tftp file server running.

If the host system does not already have a tftp server running, do the following:

  • mkdir /tftpboot.
  • chmod 777 /tftpboot
  • Move portserver firmware file to the /tftpboot directory.
  • chmod 666 [tftp_boot_file]. Make sure that it has read-write permissions
  • Edit /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/inet/inetd.conf (depending on the OS):
  • Remove comment (if it is commented out) from the tftp entry:
   tftp   dgram  udp  (the remainder of this entry varies by O.S.) 

*Note: The SCO Openserver and Unixware inetd.conf file contains two tftp entries - uncomment the second tftp entry within the file.

  • Restart the inetd process:
   # kill -1 [inetd_PID]

2. Test to verify that tftp is running, from the host server:

While in a directory other than tftpboot, type:

   # tftp [host_ip_address]
   tftp> get [tftp_file_name]

You should see:

   recieved #### bytes in # seconds
   tftp> quit        ß to return to root prompt

If you receive an error message or the tftp file size is 0, tftp is still not running. If functioning properly proceed with the following.

3. Run the commands from the PortServer commandline interface (CLI):

#> set config boothost=[tftp_host_ip_addr] bootfile=[tftp_boot_filename]

Verify that the Gateway field is set to all zeros, unless this unit is at a remote location that is using a router as a valid gateway:

#> set config
 Additionally for PortServer II models only:

#> set config tftpboot=smart (or yes)
*Note:  The "smart" option allows the Portserver II to load firmware stored internally in an EPROM if the tftpboot from [boothost] is unsuccessful.

4. Reset Portserver by power cycling or typing:

   #> b a=r


To permanently write the firmware image into flash memory (Portserver-II only):

1. Check the Tech Support website to ensure you have the latest firmware.

The version firmware version of the Portserver II can be checked with the ''set config'' command at the Portserver prompt. The top line show the firmware version in use.

2. Use steps 1-4 above to verify the Portserver II can boot off your firmware image, before attempting to store it. 

If unable to boot the Portserver II from the firmware at [boothost], do not continue.


3. Store the tested firmware image to flash:

#> boot load=[tftpboot_host_ip_address]:[tftp_boot_filename]

After 5-10 minutes you should see the message "The image in flash appears valid"

4. Return the tftpboot configuration to default:

#> set config tftpboot=no

5. Reboot the Portserver II:

#> boot action=reset
Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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