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HOW TO: Send Break to a SUN SPARC System Using Connect or a Menu With Digi One and PortServer Units

The following example show how to send a break by using the connect command from the Digi One/PortServer prompt. The connectesc setting for the user is set to @ for this particular user.

Telnet to the unit and login:

login: username

The following command will connect to port 2 (with an attached SUN SPARC server):

digi> connect 2 
Set escape char to @

sun# type [Ctrl] @ [Enter]


digi> send brk 
digi> recon

---Connection 1---
Type 'go' to resume
ok go


Using a menu:

Here is a sample menu:

#> set menu ra=1 show=on 
Title 1: Test menu
Title 2: Console Management
Command 1: connect 2 
Message 1: Connect port2 
Command 2: send brk
Message 2: Send brk
Command 3: reconnect
Message 3: Reconnect

login: username

Test menu
Console Management

1 - Connect port2
2 - Send brk
3 - Reconnect

0 - Exit

Page 1 of 1
Select 0-3 or ?
Executing Selection

Set escape char to @

[Ctrl] @ [Enter]

Test menu
Console Management

1 - Connect port2
2 - Send brk
3 - Reconnect

0 - Exit

Page 1 of 1
Select 0-3 or ?
Selection > 
Executing Selection

Test menu
Console Management

1 - Connect port2
2 - Send brk
3 - Reconnect

0 - Exit

Page 1 of 1
Select 0-3 or ?
Executing Selection

ok go


Last updated: Jun 24, 2024

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