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How to recover the ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 GA module using MicroSD in Windows XP

If U-Boot in flash fails to boot & NO output is being observed on the serial port during Power up, you can try recovery using a MicroSD Card.For the recovery you need:
  • GA JSK Development board.
  • A Micro SD Card
NOTE: This procedure will work ONLY in windows XP.

Or else if you have Linux host then go to How to recover the ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51 GA module using MicroSD in Linux

Part one, configure MicroSD card

1) Plug your MicroSD card into your PC.

2) Get a copy of flashnul:
We will use this program to write U-Boot to the SD card. Just extract it to a location on your C drive. Mine is in: c:\flashnul-1rc1.

3) Copy the U-boot image you want to use to the flashnul path. I will use the one from:
C:\Program Files\Digi\Windows Embedded CE 6.0\Images\ConnectCore Wi-i.MX51\JSK\bootloader\u-boot-ccwmx51js.bin

4) Start up a command prompt (Press Windows Key + r, then type cmd and press enter). Find the flashnul path. Your directory should look like this:

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 4487-EDF4

Directory of C:\flashnul-1rc1

03/17/2011 07:43 AM <DIR> .
03/17/2011 07:43 AM <DIR> ..
09/23/2008 03:23 PM 2,729 CHANGELOG
06/12/2008 01:19 AM 373 devnotes
09/22/2006 12:20 PM 1,639 flashnul.conf
09/23/2008 03:17 PM 48,640 flashnul.exe
09/22/2006 12:20 PM 6,420 flashnul.png
11/22/2007 08:30 PM 741 readme.eng
09/23/2008 03:18 PM 34,756 readme.rus.html
09/23/2008 03:17 PM <DIR> src
09/23/2008 03:23 PM 446 todo
11/23/2010 11:24 AM 293,796 u-boot-ccwmx51js.bin
9 File(s) 389,540 bytes
3 Dir(s) 28,717,142,016 bytes free

5) Get a listing of your drives by typing 'flashnull -p'

You should get output like below:

C:\flashnul-1rc1>flashnul -p

Avaible physical drives:
0 size = 120034123776 (111 Gb)
1 size = 3965714432 (3782 Mb)

Avaible logical disks:

The flash disk is number 1 on my PC, you can tell by the size (my system disk is the 111GB disk). Make sure that you pick the right one, as flashnul can erase your system disk!

6) Now we need to write the U-Boot image to the flash disk. Just type:

flashnul <disknumber> -L u-boot-ccwmx51js.bin

(where <disknumber> is the disk from above. You should get output like below:

C:\flashnul-1rc1>flashnul 1 -L u-boot-ccwmx51js.bin

Disk PhysicalDrive1 (UNC name: \\.\PhysicalDrive1)
------------------------------------------------------------[Drive geometry]--
Cylinders/heads/sectors = 482/255/63
Bytes per sector = 512
CHS size = 3964584960 (3780 Mb)
---------------------------------------------------------------[Device size]--
Device size = 3965714432 (3782 Mb)
delta to near power of 2 = 329252864 (314 Mb), 8%
Surplus size = 1129472 (1103 kb)
-----------------------------------------------[Adapter & Device properties]--
Bus type = (7) USB
Removable device = Yes
Command Queue = Unsupported
Device vendor = HP
Device name = USB20 HS-COMBO
Revision = 4.82
--------------------------------------------------------------[Hotplug info]--
Device hotplug = Yes
Media hotplug = No

Selected operation: load file content
Selected drive: PhysicalDrive1, 3965714432b (3782 Mb)

Type 'yes' to confirm operation. All other text will stop it.

Really destroy data on drive PhysicalDrive1? :

(Type yes, press Enter)

Really destroy data on drive PhysicalDrive1? :yes

Runing operation [load file content] for drive PhysicalDrive1

Writing 0x10000 (128 kb), 303701 b/s
Warning: size of file u-boot-ccwmx51js.bin do not match sector size for Physical
Drive1 (512 b)

image load finished

----------------------------------------------------------[Operation result]--
passes: 1
errors: 0
write bytes: 293888 (287 kb)
avg. write speed: 1112412 (1086 kb/s)
max/min write speed: 0 (0 b/s) / 0 (0 b/s)

Press ENTER to exit.

If everything worked, the above result should give passes 1, and errors 0. Now we can try to boot the module.

Part two, configure the module on digi dev kit
Note: Do not connect any peripheral to dev kit now. You need to detach touchscreen display also.
1) Set the boot strapping, set S8.1 to on, all others off, and all of S9 to off. (Down if you are holding the board with the serial ports on the left). Also set S7.1 to on, and the others off.

2) Connect to UART2 at 38400,8,n,1,n with a NULL modem cable.

3) Connect to the module to your local network via Ethernet.

4) Insert the MicroSD card into X14, power on the module on dev kit. You may see a ‘>’ displayed on the screen, press enter and the module should boot into U-Boot.

5) Copy the U-Boot image that you loaded on the module into C:\tftproot

6) Start up your tftp server.

6) Set up your module to use dhcp, and set the serverip address to that of your PC.

setenv serverip
setenv dhcp on

7) Update the image:

update uboot tftp

8) If you do not get any errors, then remove the SD card, and set S8.1 back to off. Then try to boot the module
Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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