The AIX server:
# smit printer
Select the following menu items:
Printer/Plotter Devices
Add Printer/Plotter
osp Other serial printer
Select appropriate sa device
Fill in the options to match the printer settings:
PORT number [16] <-Actual port number on Portserver
BAUD rate [9600] <-Baud rate the printer is set for
PARITY [none] <-Parity the printer is set for
BITS per character [8] <-Character bits the printer is set for
Number of STOP BITS [1] <-Stop bits the printer is set for
FLOW CONTROL to be used [rts] <-Flow control printer is set for
Fill in the appropriate entries then press [Enter] to save.
On the Digi Portserver, or Digi One device:
Telnet to the portserver from your host, login as root:
#> set port dev=prn ra=##
#> set flow ra=## altpin=on <- [for those ports using 8 wire RJ45 cable]
*Note: ''##'' represents the actual port number(s). For a range of ports, use the following format: ra=1-16 (one through sixteen). For individual ports use the following format: ra=1,5,9 (port one, five and nine).
Printer not printing:
If you cannot print to the printer, it may mean that the DCD signal is not cabled properly try the following command from the AIX prompt:
# chdev -l lp# -a forcedcd=enable