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HOW TO: Install the Digi NEO or Classsicboard Driver (dgnc) in Red Hat WS/EL 6

Prepare for driver installation:

First, remove the in-kernel jsm module to avoid hardware conflicts:

# rmmod jsm

The jsm module, should be renamed to prevent it from loading when rebooted:

#cd /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/serial/jsm

# mv jsm.ko bak.jsm

The system will need to be rebooted in order for the jsm driver to relinquish control so the dgnc driver can claim the adapter.  The jsm driver can be used instead of Digi's dgnc driver, however it will not contain any of Digi's tools or utilities, such as, ditty, dpa.dgnc, dinc, etc...

**Note:  Digi currently does not offer driver support for these products in 3.x kernels.  If your distribution is using a 3.x kernel, the built-in jsm kernel driver would need to be used.  Digi does not support this driver, any support would need to be obtained from the Linux community.

Package dependencies:

The following packages are required in order to build/compile the driver:

make, rpm-build, bash, gcc, glibc-devel, kernel-devel, kernel-headers, ncurses-devel, perl, and tcsh.


Start the driver installation:

# script

# cd /(path_where_the_driver_src.rpm_image_is)

#  rpmbuild --rebuild 40002369_G.src.rpm

Change to directory /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/(arch), where (arch) represents your system architecture (i.e. i386, x86_64, etc..) and use rpm to install the new driver package by typing:

# cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/(arch) 
# rpm -ivv dgnc-1.1-1.(arch).rpm 

Load the module by typing:

# /etc/init.d/dgnc start 

Set up your machine to have the drivers load automatically at boot time by typing:

# chkconfig --add dgnc

Completing the installation, press:

# [Ctrl] d

A successful installation will create devices labeled /dev/ttyn#x: /dev/ttyn1a through /dev/ttyn1h for an 8 port adapter.

The adapter and port status can be confirmed with DPA:

# dpa.dgnc

The file named typescript located in the directory where you began this installation will contain the driver build details for debugging/analysis.

Last updated: Jan 12, 2024

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