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HOW TO: Install the DGAP AccelePort C/X, EPC/X, XEM, Xr PCI driver in Red Hat, Fedora or SuSE Linux

Note: The driver has only been tested on 2.6.x and 2.4.x kernels, 3.x and 4.x kernels do not have driver support.

Capture the driver installation/compilation details into a file called typescript:

# script

If you are not on the “stock default” kernel or do not have a /usr/src/kernel directory confirm/create a symbolic link from your kernel source to /usr/src/linux by typing:

#  ln -s /usr/src/linux-[kernel_version]   /usr/src/linux 
# cd /(path_where_src.rpm_image_is)

The following example shows the installation syntax for Red Hat Fedora Core 1:

# rpmbuild --rebuild --define DISTRO=FEDORA dgap-1.3-22.src.rpm

Change to directory /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/(arch).  Where (arch) represents your system architecture (i.e. i386, x86_64, etc…) and use rpm to install the new driver package by typing:

# cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/(arch) 
# rpm -ivv dgap-1.3-22.(arch).rpm 

Configure the adapters and load the module by typing:

# mpi 

Set up your machine to have the drivers load automatically at boot time by typing:

# chkconfig --add dgap

Completing the installation, press:

# [Ctrl] d

A successful installation will create devices labeled /dev/ttyx## (where x represents the ID selected during the mpi configuration). The adapter and port status can be confirmed with DPA:

# dpa.dgap

If the installation failed, a file called "typescript" will have been created in the directory you were in when you typed the "script" command. Please contact Technical Support by submitting an online support request and sending in the file.

Last updated: Jan 04, 2024

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