Important information for contacting Digi Technical Support

HOW TO: Install/compile the RealPort driver Using the source RPM in Debian Linux

After downloading the most recent driver release from the Digi web site, issue the following commands from the Linux root prompt, where (arch) represents the architecture (i.e.: i386, x86_64) and (ver) represents the driver version:

# script

# rpmbuild --rebuild 40002086_X.src.rpm

# alien -d --scripts /usr/src/rpm/RPMS/(arch)/dgrp-(ver).(arch).rpm

# dpkg -i dgrp_1.9-18_(arch).deb

# dgrp_cfg_node init (ID) (IP_address) (#_of_ports)

For example, the following command configures the Digi unit with IP address and 16 ports to have tty ID''s of ttya00 through ttya15:

# dgrp_cfg_node init a 16

# exit

If any errors occur, send Digi Tech. Support the resulting "typescript" file residing in the directory where the "script" command was issued.

Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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