After downloading the most recent driver release from the Digi web site, issue the following commands from the Linux root prompt, where (arch) represents the architecture (i.e.: i386, x86_64) and (ver) represents the driver version:
# script
# rpmbuild --rebuild 40002086_X.src.rpm
# alien -d --scripts /usr/src/rpm/RPMS/(arch)/dgrp-(ver).(arch).rpm
# dpkg -i dgrp_1.9-18_(arch).deb
# dgrp_cfg_node init (ID) (IP_address) (#_of_ports)
For example, the following command configures the Digi unit with IP address and 16 ports to have tty ID''s of ttya00 through ttya15:
# dgrp_cfg_node init a 16
# exit
If any errors occur, send Digi Tech. Support the resulting "typescript" file residing in the directory where the "script" command was issued.