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How to configure inter VLAN routing with switchport bridge mode on DAL

This article explains how to configure inter VLAN routing with switchport bridge mode.

1.    First, we need to create a new bridge instance and switch the bridge type to “switchport” mode. Then, assign a network interface in the “device” drop down menu to this bridge and specify a list of VLAN ID to support.
Please note when multiple VLAN IDs are specified, the first is designated the PVID.
I keep VLAN 1 as the PVID for compatibility in my example below.



2. Next we need to create appropriate VLANs and map them to the bridge:


3.  At the end we can configure virtual VLAN routing interfaces which will route packets to the proper VLAN:



Checking a routing table and reachability end hosts by ping command.



Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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