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HOW TO: Configure a Terminal For Login in Solaris



  1. Connect a proper cable between the port and terminal. 
  2. Invoke admintool either through the window interface, or by entering this command at a root prompt:


  3. Select Browse > Serial Ports.
  4. Select a device.
  5. Select Edit > Modify.
  6. Configure the device parameters. Typically a terminal device is set to Terminal-Hardwired and Service Enabled.
  7. Set the Baud Rate.

    Note that the default admintool baud rates cycle, meaning the speed at the end of the corresponding /etc/ttytype entry is different than the speed at the beginning of the entry. It preferable to configure a device to a fixed rate.

    As an example, this line can be added to /etc/ttytype and used as a fixed rate for devices:

    38400N:38400 hupcl:38400 hupcl::38400N

    If a custom /etc/ttytype entry is created and used, set Baud Rate to Other and enter the /etc/ttytype identifier (e.g. 38400N).

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If a login does not appear on the terminal, try disabling and reenabling the device in admintool.
  • If a cycling baud rate is used and scrambled characters appear on the terminal screen, hitting the Enter key several times at the terminal may cause the port to change baud rates and display a login.
  • If a cycling baud rate is used and scrambled characters appear on the terminal screen, change the baud rate to a fixed /etc/ttydef entry matching the terminal settings.
Last updated: Jan 10, 2024

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