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HOW TO: Configure a Portserver or Digi One family Serial Server for native Terminal operation

Terminals are typically configured for software (Xon/Xoff) flow control, since they transfer data at a relatively show rate.  While the following procedure is sufficient in most cases, it may be necessary to take additional steps to properly configure your Serial Server or Terminal for use with a specific application.


The Cable

A Console Cable is shipped with PortServer products. A number of cable pinouts are available from the Digi Support Homepage if a different type of cable is needed.

Configuring The Portserver

from factory default:

Connect a terminal (set for 9600, 8-N-1, vt100 emulation) to a serial port on the Portserver or Digi One.

set conf ip=%%.%%.%%.%% subm=##.##.##.## set conf gateway=%%.%%.%%.%%

NOTE: %%.%%.%%.%% represents an actual IP Address. This must be a unique IP address available on your network. The ##.##.##.## represents the subnet mask setting for your network.

Configuring Native Serial Ports for Autotelnet

Type the following from the Portserver or Digi One root prompt:

#> set port range=#-# auto=on dev=term dest=[ip_of_destination]
#> set line range=#-# baud=[baud_rate]
#> set flow range=#-# ixon=on ixoff=on cts=off rts=off

Configuring Native Serial Ports for rlogin

Type the following from a PortServer or Digi One root prompt:

#> set port range=#-# auto=on dev=term dest=[ip_of_destination] dport=513
#> set line range=#-# baud=[baud_rate]
#> set flow range=#-# ixon=on ixoff=on cts=off rts=off

NOTE: The range=#-# represents a port range. For example range=1-4 represents ports one through four.

Last updated: Jan 09, 2024

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