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How to collect a Windows memory dump for Digi Technical Support

When facing a Windows "bluescreen" (BSOD) that's correlated to a Digi product, Digi Technical Support may ask for a Windows memory dump AKA crashdump, and refer you to this KB article for further instructions.

1. Within Windows System Properties, click the Advanced tab then click the Settings button within the Startup and Recovery section.

User-added image
2. Select "Complete" memory dump.

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NOTE:  Depending on how Windows is configured, "Complete" may not be an option in the drop down.  Ideally, if possible, configure Windows to allow this "Complete" option, as this will result in better quality information within the memory dump.  The exact steps on how to configure Windows to allow a "Complete" memory dump is outside the scope of this KB article and Digi Technical Support, and should be easy to find on the web (the steps may vary, depending on the exact OS).

If "Complete" is not feasible, select the next best, which is "Kernel".

3. Click OK on the Startup and Recovery window and then click OK on the System Properties window.

4. Wait for the issue-at-hand to happen, or perform the necessary steps to reproduce the issue.  Depending on the Startup and Recovery settings, the computer may restart (reboot) or "hang" indefinitely (requiring a power cycle).  If the computer "hangs", it should state when the memory dump has completed being written.  At that type, power cycle the computer.

5. Locate the resulting memory dump on the computer's hard drive, e.g. c:\windows\memory.dmp (depending on the dump file location in step 2).

6. Zip up (compress) the memory dump using a program such as 7-Zip.

7. Follow the instructions that your Digi technician provided on where to upload the memory dump for analysis.

IMPORTANT:  If the memory dump is transferred from the "target machine" (the one with the BSOD) to another computer, e.g. via FTP, before being provided to Digi, ensure that the transfer is done via Binary (NOT ASCII), as this is a common issue.  Please refer to the respective documentation, i.e. of your FTP client on how 

Last updated: Jan 03, 2024

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