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HARDWARE NOTICE: WR44R Flash Memory Change

Starting with Hardware Revision 2204B, the TransPort WR44 R hardware can no longer be downgraded to firmware versions earlier than due to a change in the flash memory that is used on the device.

To check if you have the new flash type in your WR44R, you can perform one of the following:


1)  By running the ati5command via the command line interface, and looking for 2204b as the HW Revision.



Digi TransPort WR44-M700-CE1-RF Ser#:763138 HW Revision: 2204b

Software Build Ver6.1.3.5.  Jul 17 2018 15:46:36  LW

ARM Bios Ver 7.63u v45 800MHz B995-M1003-F80-O1,0 MAC:00042d0ba502

Power Up Profile: 0


2)  By running the hwcommand via the command line interface, and looking for 2204b as the HW Rev.



Serial Number: XXXXXX

HW Rev: 2204b

MAC 0: 00042d0ba502

MAC 1: 00042dfba502

MAC 2: 00042deba502

MAC 3: 00042ddba502

MAC 4: 00042dcba502

MAC 5: 000000000000

MAC 6: 000000000000

Model: TransPort WR44v2

Part#: WR44-M700-CE1-RF

RAM: 64 MB

PCIe switch: present

FPGA Rev: 1.4

MSP430 Rev: 1.3

Motherboard self ID: 01

WWAN supply: 3.406 V

Flash ID: 2c-f1-80-95



3)  By locating the hardware revision on the sticker on the bottom of the unit.

Last updated: Sep 23, 2024

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