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Explanation of Digi RF Module Part Numbers


Let us take a few examples to decode different XBee part numbers. We have divided this article based on different XBee families as the format used by one family might be different from others.


Digi XBee RF Modules


2.4 GHz RF Modules:


1. Digi XBee3 Series:  XB3-24Z8RM-J

XB3 : XBee Series (XB3: XBee3 | XBRR: XBee RR)

-24 : Operates on 2.4 GHz frequency

Z8 : Network Protocol (Z8: Zigbee 3.0 | A: 802.15.4 | DM: DigiMesh)

R : Antenna Type (R: RF Pad | U: U.fl | C: Chip | S: RPSMA | P: PCB )

M: Form Factor (M: Micro | S: Surface Mount | T: Through Hole)

-J (Optional) : Not a "Pro" variant


2. Digi XBee S2C Series:  XBP24CZ7UIS-005

XBP : XBee Pro Series (XB: XBee "non Pro" Series)

24 : Operates on 2.4 GHz frequency

C: Product of S2C family

Z7: Network Protocol  (Z7: Zigbee 2007 | A: 802.15.4 | DM: DigiMesh)

U: Antenna Type (R: RF Pad | U: U.fl | S: RPSMA | P: PCB | W: Wire)

IS : Form Factor (IS: Surface Mount | IT: Through Hole)

B (optional) : Programmable Module (otherwise replaced by a hyphen "-")

005 : Additional information (005: S2C Pro NG | 004: Zigbee | 003: Programmable Zigbee | 001: 802.15.4/DigiMesh)


Sub-1 GHz RF Modules


1. Digi XBee 900 and 868 MHz modules: XBP9X-DMUS-021

XBP: XBee Pro Series (XB: XBee "non Pro" Series)

9X: Product Family (9X: SX 900 | 8X: SX 868 | 9B: S3B (900HP/XSC) | -8XR: XR 868 | 9XT: XTC)

-DM: Network Protocol (DM: DigiMesh | DP: Point to Multipoint | XC: XSC)

U: Antenna Type (U: U.fl | R: RF Pad | W: Wire | S: RPSMA)

S: Form Factor (M: Micro | S: Surface Mount | T: Through Hole)

B (optional) : Programmable Module (otherwise replaced by a hyphen "-")

-021: Additional Information (001/002: Nil or North American variant | 011/012: Brazil variant | 021/022/721: Australian variant | 031: New Zealand variant | 041/042: Singapore variant)


2. Digi XTend vB modules: XTP9B-DMM-001

XTP9B: 9XTend Replacement Series

-DM : Network Protocol (DM: DigiMesh | DP: Point to Multipoint)

M: Antenna Type (M: MMCX | S: RPSMA)

-001: Additional Information (001: North American variant | 721: Australian variant)


Last updated: Jan 01, 2024

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