Important information for contacting Digi Technical Support

Expected Communication Distance of 9XStream Radio Modem

Communication distance is determined by four factors: Output power, recieve sensitivity, Antenna systems and the environment.

For the 9XStream radio modems

  • Output power is fixed at 20dBm (100mW)
  • Receiver sensitivity is -110dBm (9600 baud) or -107dBm (19200 baud)
  • Antennas system are customizable with over 30 approved antennas
  • Factors affecting the Environment include: antenna height, obstructions (vegetation, terrain, construction materials) and energy-sourced interference

In a non-Line-of-Sight (non-LOS) environment the 9XStream radio modem has a typical range of 1/4 mile. As the obstructions and/or interference is lighter or heavier the range will be more or less than this guideline.

In a Line-of-Sight (LOS) environment with the antennas 60 feet off the ground and no obstructions it is easy to acheive ranges of 20+ miles. Digi specifies a conservative LOS range of 7-10 miles because many installations do not have true RF LOS conditions. (Search KB for ''Fresnel Zone'').

Note: Digi practices conservative specmanship by publishing radio modem specifications as typically experienced by our customers instead of publishing theoretical maximum performance parameters.

Last updated: Oct 29, 2024

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